Dear Parent/Carer
What a superb week of amazing activities to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in our school. Please take a minute or two to visit our Twitter page @florasprimary to get a flavour of the range of activities your child participated in. Many thanks to all our visitors and hosts.
This was also Book Week Scotland and as always, we enjoyed promoting the love of reading at Flora’s and celebrating the wonderful books available to fire the imagination and transport our pupils to magical places.
Huge Congratulations to our Eco Committee from last session whose hard work promoting and encouraging us all to care for our environment has resulting in Flora’s being awarded our second Green Flag! The Eco Committee announced this wonderful achievement at Friday’s assembly. We are incredibly proud of this achievement. Well done to all!
Both of our Primary 7 classes participated in an interactive workshop run by the charity ‘Just Enough UK.’ The classes used the new Community Room at Waitrose. Thank you to the staff at Waitrose for their support of the event.
Our swimmers all improved their personal best times at the Swimming Gala last weekend and our chess players continue to be very successful in all their competitions coming a well-deserved 3rd in the Lothian Junior Chess League Team Day 1.
Andy performed a wonderful piano solo at the Music School Showcase of Excellence last Saturday.. He was the only primary pupil performing from the four music schools in Scotland. Amelia also performed a marvellous Marimba solo at the City of Edinburgh Fanfare Concert last Friday. Well done!
Well done also to the following pupils who received Head Teacher’s Awards over the last two weeks:
P1 Joseph, Carrie, Tomass, Cian, Maisie, Aliasker, Callum, Ethan, Joseph, Daniel, Lily, Leo, Felicity, James, Harry, Florence
P2 Roxy, Bibi, Alicja, Isaac, Cameron, Ludwik, Ben, Amy, Asher, Lazar
P3 Lorin, Alex, Oliver, Aadya, Rory, Eve
P4 Julia, Daniel, James, Anu, Casper, Dair
P5 Kaaya, Aliyah, Madison, Nadisa, Kai, Finlay
P6 Sara, Ruairidh, Corin, Carrie, Kyla, Simon
P7 Finnegan, Ella, Ella, Finn
Well done everyone and thanks also to Finnegan for his wonderful piano recital and to Corin and Douglas for their great recorder and clarinet duo. P6c amazed us all with their wonderful singing and acting at their assembly sharing their learning about Victorian times through the drama, ‘Oliver.’ Thank you!
Please check the Parent Council Website for the minutes of the last Parent Council Meeting held on Monday 21st November. The PC Movie Night was a sell out and great fun! Many thanks to the Parent Council organisers for all their hard work.
Termly lunches will continue through until March. Please look out for further information by Parentmail on Monday. We are delighted to hear that we will soon be able to offer parents/carers the facility to pay for school lunches and trips online. This will be a great help. In the meantime, with 560 children/21 classes in school, it is an enormous support if your child hands any payments to the class teacher in an envelope with their name and class clearly marked and what it is for. This enables the class teacher to tick off the replies received and send the money to the office in one folder. We would very much appreciate your support in giving your child all slips and payments and handing in the correct money. The office does not keep change and so exact money and cheques please. Thank you. We would also really appreciate parents/carers supporting their child in remembering everything needed for the school day. This is a good life skill as well as saving the office staff valuable time.
Our Christmas Lunch is on the 8th December. The Tempest Orders have been collected and the photographs should arrive in the next few weeks.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.
Best wishes
Irene Brennan