Dear Parent/Carer
What a busy week! We had fantastic assemblies today from P2c and P3b who told us all about endangered species and why we should care for our planet to help them survive. We were all very impressed with the confident speaking, singing and acting. As always at Flora’s, their artwork was also amazing! Thank you to both classes.
One of our parents, Judy Clark has spent a lot of time liaising and working with, our wood artist, Alan Kain. Alan has installed our planters, chalkboard, stage and has now turned our wind-blown sandpit into Bondi Beach with Judy’s help. (Look out for a surfboard coming soon….) The higher sides will help contain the sand and protect the drains! We are encouraging children to keep the sand in the sandpit and not take it around the playground. The woodchip too!
I thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the Head Teacher’s Award winners to my Tea Party today. Lots of very good learning and personal qualities from the children who gained the awards.
P1 Samuel, Isla, Jessica, Elodie, Sadie, Lucy, Violet and Ryan
P2 Annabella, Riley, Amala, Aidan, Gayatri and Catriona
P3 Iris, Darshun and Iga
P4 Jamie, Lewis and Hanna
P5 Alvin, Poppy and Charlie
P6 Abigail and Amelie
P7 Misty, Ben, Roshaan, Mackenzie, Luke and Dylan.
Well done to you all and thank you to Alicia for playing the piano so beautifully at assembly.
Congratulations to Ben P6 who won a silver and a bronze medal and to Ruairidh P6 for winning a silver medal in the Scottish Tae Kwon Do Championship.
Good luck to all our Chess Players in their Tournament this weekend.
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes
Irene Brennan