Dear Parent/Carer
Another very quick and busy week at Flora’s. A reminder that Monday 2 May is a Bank Holiday and the school is closed to pupils on Thursday 5 May.
Please note the date for our Parent Council Summer Fair which is on the afternoon of Saturday 11 June.
Congratulations to Saskia P2a for winning a prize for her 20mph competition entry. Saskia won a Goody Bag and a Cycling session for her class. A super achievement!
Chess Club News
We had the final round of the UK Chess Challenge tournament last Friday at school and it ended with a draw at the top! Rocco (P4) and Tom (P7) were tied on 19 points and so are in joint first place. As we've only one trophy we had a play off at Chess Club for the trophy (I think they both still deserve to consider themselves joint first) and Rocco won. It was all very evenly matched and close, not only between Rocco and Tom but in the top few places. I know that there were some very disappointed people after the last round, but I've been very impressed with the standard of play and the sportsmanship and support on display. We had very few disputes, which is a tribute to this, and we've had a lot of players helping less experienced ones along. The standard of play has increased noticeably over the duration of the competition and it's been great to see all the children coming back not because they like winning, but because they enjoy playing. Mrs Wilson
Congratulations to all and good luck to those through to the Chess Megafinal.
The Head Teacher’s Awards this week go to:
P1 Calum, Matthew, Lola, Jaxon, Elise, Jamie, Maya and Finlay
P2 Alfie, Payton, Catherine, Charlie, Jackie, Bolu, Jake and Maeve
P3 Oliver, Max and Ellie
P4 Daksh, Sophie, Charlie, Chloe, Mahima and Isla
P5 Asjad, Neev and Manon
P6 Amanda and Katie
P7 Chloe, Craig, Jamie and Sabrina
Many thanks to Amy for playing the piano so beautifully.
Huge thanks to P3c for their wonderful assembly today all about Flora’s in the past and life in Victorian times.
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by June 6th, 2016.
Each year we carry out online standardised testing with all P4 and P7 pupils. This is a requirement stipulated by the council and is the case in all primary schools in Edinburgh. There are two tests. The “Progress in Maths” which focuses on all areas of the mathematics curriculum relevant to each age group and the “New Group Reading Test” which covers all areas of reading relevant to each stage.
Testing starts on the 3rd May and concludes on the 3rd June.
The tests are completed so that the council can track pupil attainment across the whole city to make comparisons between schools and to highlight any trends related to socio-economic backgrounds.
In the case of the P7 tests the results are also passed to the high schools our pupils will be moving to in S1.
As the tests are multimedia based it is helpful for all children to have headphones for their tests.
Where possible could you please send in a set of headphones / earphones, the type with a connection that fits a computer / mobile phone / tablet, for your child to use during their tests?
If this was possible please can you place them in an envelope or plastic bag with a label showing your child’s name and class. The headphones will stay under lock and key in school until testing is complete. Thank you.
Best wishes
Irene Brennan
Another very quick and busy week at Flora’s. A reminder that Monday 2 May is a Bank Holiday and the school is closed to pupils on Thursday 5 May.
Please note the date for our Parent Council Summer Fair which is on the afternoon of Saturday 11 June.
Congratulations to Saskia P2a for winning a prize for her 20mph competition entry. Saskia won a Goody Bag and a Cycling session for her class. A super achievement!
Chess Club News
We had the final round of the UK Chess Challenge tournament last Friday at school and it ended with a draw at the top! Rocco (P4) and Tom (P7) were tied on 19 points and so are in joint first place. As we've only one trophy we had a play off at Chess Club for the trophy (I think they both still deserve to consider themselves joint first) and Rocco won. It was all very evenly matched and close, not only between Rocco and Tom but in the top few places. I know that there were some very disappointed people after the last round, but I've been very impressed with the standard of play and the sportsmanship and support on display. We had very few disputes, which is a tribute to this, and we've had a lot of players helping less experienced ones along. The standard of play has increased noticeably over the duration of the competition and it's been great to see all the children coming back not because they like winning, but because they enjoy playing. Mrs Wilson
Congratulations to all and good luck to those through to the Chess Megafinal.
The Head Teacher’s Awards this week go to:
P1 Calum, Matthew, Lola, Jaxon, Elise, Jamie, Maya and Finlay
P2 Alfie, Payton, Catherine, Charlie, Jackie, Bolu, Jake and Maeve
P3 Oliver, Max and Ellie
P4 Daksh, Sophie, Charlie, Chloe, Mahima and Isla
P5 Asjad, Neev and Manon
P6 Amanda and Katie
P7 Chloe, Craig, Jamie and Sabrina
Many thanks to Amy for playing the piano so beautifully.
Huge thanks to P3c for their wonderful assembly today all about Flora’s in the past and life in Victorian times.
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by June 6th, 2016.
Each year we carry out online standardised testing with all P4 and P7 pupils. This is a requirement stipulated by the council and is the case in all primary schools in Edinburgh. There are two tests. The “Progress in Maths” which focuses on all areas of the mathematics curriculum relevant to each age group and the “New Group Reading Test” which covers all areas of reading relevant to each stage.
Testing starts on the 3rd May and concludes on the 3rd June.
The tests are completed so that the council can track pupil attainment across the whole city to make comparisons between schools and to highlight any trends related to socio-economic backgrounds.
In the case of the P7 tests the results are also passed to the high schools our pupils will be moving to in S1.
As the tests are multimedia based it is helpful for all children to have headphones for their tests.
Where possible could you please send in a set of headphones / earphones, the type with a connection that fits a computer / mobile phone / tablet, for your child to use during their tests?
If this was possible please can you place them in an envelope or plastic bag with a label showing your child’s name and class. The headphones will stay under lock and key in school until testing is complete. Thank you.
Best wishes
Irene Brennan