Friday, 9 October 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 9 October 2015

Dear Parent/Carer

It was a pleasure to see so many of you this week at our Parent- Teacher Consultations. We hope you found this opportunity to discuss your child’s progress helpful.

Thank you for supporting our Book Fair. The commission from the sale of books is used to buy more stock for our library.

It is beginning to feel like autumn as it starts to get dark earlier. We would be very grateful if you could send your child to school with a coat every day. We do like to be outside in all weathers especially now that our new playground is nearly ready. Thank you.

What a lovely P4s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ Event today. It was great fun being over-run by Oompa Loompas and other characters. What an amazing selection of treats P4 made as part of their enterprise topic! Thank you P4 and staff.

This week’s Head Teacher’s Awards go to:

P1 Aleena, Samuel, Saif, Amy, Elise, Jaskeerat, Carmen and Olivia.

P2 Aidan, Amandine, Scarlett, Roberto, Ambre and Jake.

P3 Iris, Juliette and Akshith

P4 Amy, Calan and Aris

P5 Rebekah, Emma and Mina

P6 Amanda, Becky and Adem

P7 Josie, Amy and Esme

Music Hailun

Orchard is the overall winner of our House Competition this term. A special prize to look forward to when we return!

Other achievements:

Congratulations to Josie in P7 for coming 30th out of 800 in the Sumdog competition and for her class coming 30th out of 300! Superb results!

Congratulations also to our P7 girls who won the Rugby Tournament at the Cluster Games at Broughton yesterday. This is the second year running that our P7 girls have won this tournament.

Very well done to you all!

The school is closed for the half-term break from Friday 9th October at the usual times until Wednesday 21st October. Tuesday 20th October is an In-service Day for staff.

We hope you have a very enjoyable mid-term break.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan