Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Updated News on Tuesday the 23rd of June.

Dear Parent/Carer

It’s hard to believe that the school holidays are nearly here!

Can I firstly remind you that term finishes at 12.00noon on Friday 26 June and resumes for children on Monday 17 August.

We are very excited about our new playground plans. Please read the update below:

A working group consisting of members of the school management team, parent representatives and Council officers has been meeting regularly to develop a plan to improve Flora Stevenson Primary school’s playground. The Council has provided £115,000 to develop a design for the playground and following the appointment of landscape architects Urban Pioneers in early March the working group has developed a design for the playground which can be viewed on the Parent Council’s Flora’s Playground blog (https://florasplayground.wordpress.com/) or on the school’s Flora’s Flyer blog (http://florasflyer.blogspot.co.uk/).

The design developed by Urban Pioneers is the result of consultations with pupils, staff and parents and features an undulating artificial grass area at ‘The Heart’ of their design. The different areas within the playground follow a 'Continents of the World’ theme reflecting cultural diversity at the school. Each continent will be represented through different elements, materials or textures providing hints and glimpses to spark the children’s imagination.

A display of the latest plans for the design is also available at the school office. A few items from the plans previously seen by parents have had to be removed to ensure the plans fit within the available budget and detailed costing of these latest plans by Urban Pioneers and Morrison Construction is now taking place to ensure that the project has not overspent. If the detailed costings being prepared show that we're under budget hopefully some of the items removed can go back in.

Morrison Construction who are building the new classrooms will start work on the playground improvements in August and will complete the final sections in October. The working group believe that the new playground will mean that all pupils will benefit from a diverse, stimulating and safe play environment that is unique to Flora Stevenson Primary School.

A display of the final, approved plans will be arranged when the school returns in August.

If you would like more information about the project please contact the Parent Council Playground Improvement Project group at florasplayground@outlook.com"

It seems that some parents are finding our school Parentmail in their spam folder. Please add our address to your safe sender list or personal contacts list. Many thanks.

Best wishes.

Irene Brennan