Friday 22 May 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 22 May 2015

Dear Parent/Carer

We are practising hard for our Sports Day on Thursday afternoon at Edinburgh Academy Rugby Ground, Inverleith Place. We are hoping for lovely weather but if not, our back up day is Wednesday 10 June. We are looking for volunteers to help. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you can help. The Sports start at 1.20pm.

Well done to P7a and P7b who enjoyed two sports events this week with other schools. They were excellent ambassadors for Flora’s and participated wholeheartedly in all the events.

Thank you to the Parent Council Fundraising Group for all their amazing work.We are very excited about the plans for our new library. Please support the library improvement fund by buying raffle tickets for wonderful prizes from many local businesses and by going along to the Wine Tasting Event.

The Parent Council’s next meeting is on Monday 25 May at 7pm in the Music School. The Playground Improvement Group will share their vision and plans for the playground. We look forward to seeing you then.

Primary 2 had a great time at the Butterfly and Insect World this week and their enthusiasm and interest in the topic was wonderful to see. They held tarantulas and snakes and giant millipedes. Check out our Twitter page for amazing pictures!

Our Primary 1 classes are visiting Lauriston Castle on Wednesday. I’m sure they will have a great time!

Wednesday is also the date for another of the Music School’s Twilight Concerts at 4pm at Broughton High School. The String Ensemble and P7 Music School Pupils will be performing. The following Wednesday, 3 June, we look forward to the Primary Summer Recital again at 4pm but this time in our Music School. Thank you to Joel who played a beautiful piece on the piano at assembly today called ‘Rain.’

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan