Friday 15 May 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 15/5/15

Dear Parent/Carer

We hope that you have an enjoyable long weekend and look forward to seeing the children back to school on Tuesday.

The New Build is progressing well and the scaffolding is now up. The plans for the playground are also progressing well and we look forward to sharing them with pupils and parents very soon.

The next parent council meeting is 25th May at 7pm in Flora Stevenson Primary School. If you have any agenda items you would like to see discussed, please leave a reply on the parent council web site here:

Wider achievement

The Chess Club

Last Sunday Alexander P7, Khaliq P6, Tom P6, Florence P4 and Heather P3 took part in the UK Chess Challenge Megafinal. It was Alexander, Tom and Heather's first external competition but they managed not to be overwhelmed by it and the number of people (there were over 120 competitors!) and played well. As it's a UK-wide competition they go by English school years so, because of where his birthday falls, Alexander was playing in the High School section. Heather was one of the youngest competitors. Florence won the title U9 Suprema (top Under 9 girl) after an against the clock tie break with another competitor and has won a big trophy! She has also qualified for the next round, the UK North Gigafinal in Manchester in July.

Well done indeed! Also a big well done to Amelia in P3a who walked 10 Kilometres for Christian Aid and Elian in P5. His team came second in a German TV Show quiz.

Congratulations to Eilidh in P4 for winning the Lotto Poster Competition. We hope you enjoy the Art Workshop prize! Well done!

Best wishes

Irene Brenna