Friday 24 April 2015

Flora's Flyer for 24th April 2015


Dear Parent/Carer

We hope that you had a very enjoyable Easter Break. We have had a lovely start to the term playing outside in this beautiful weather!

AS always there are lots of events and activities this term. We start off with the ‘Big Pedal.’

Flora’s Junior Road Safety Officers will be running this year’s Big Pedal ‘Flora’s Big Pedal 2015’. All pupils, parents and carers are invited to scoot, cycle, skate or rollerblade to school between Monday 27th April and Friday 8th May.

The total number of pupils, parents and carers who used any of these methods of transport will be collected from each class daily. The 3 classes with the most number of participants will win a variety of prizes.

There are bike racks at the back of the playground, behind the pitch, to store bikes during the day if required.

There will also be regular updated on Twitter @Florasprimary or using #FlorasBigPedal

‘I’m the Only I Morning’

On Friday 1 May we are celebrating the wonderful wealth of achievements, interests and hobbies amongst our pupils. We invite all children to come to school dressed in something that they like to do. Brownies, Judo, baking and so on.

As part of Edinburgh International Festival the Young Musician's Passport is available enabling children to attend concerts for Free from the 7th-13th August 2015. To register & book tickets please go to:

We will have some leaflets available in the information stand outside the main office for those who can't sign up online.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan