Friday 1 May 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 1 May 2015

Welcome to Flora’s Flyer for 1 May 2015

Hopefully the weather will improve from now on!

We are very excited at the prospect of a new library for the school and are delighted with the fundraising efforts, thank you. The next event is the ‘Race Night’ and we would be very pleased if you could support this event. The event has been supported by many local businesses also. Here is the information on how to obtain your tickets from the Parent Council Fundraising Committee:

Please get your tickets now for "Flora’s Race Night", 7:30pm on Saturday 23rd May at the Life Care Centre. Tickets cost £7 each but you get an entertaining evening, a bite to eat and a disco. It's a bargain! There will be drinks on sale at low prices and bets are only £1 and entirely optional, so it should be a cheap night out too. It's an alternative race night, which means you will not be watching races on a big screen, instead the host will pick people to come up and wynd in model horses. 7 jockeys + 7 races = lots of laughter.

All money raised is going towards transforming the school library, we have raised £8,200 so far but need closer to £12,000 if we are going to be able to start work in the summer holidays as we hope. So, we really need you to support this event. To get a ticket please put money in an envelope to the school office marked "Flora's Race Night" and include the name and class of your child.

Great News! We're running a Scholastic Book Club to earn free books for our school. We'll be sending the Book Club leaflets home so that you and your child can choose from the latest exciting selection of books. Please place your order online at: by June 7th, 2015.

We are looking forward to celebrating wider achievement at our ‘I’m the Only I’ Assembly this week.

A message from the City of Edinburgh Council regarding an Out of School Care Survey

The City of Edinburgh Council is committed to supporting the development of childcare services including breakfast clubs, after school clubs and holiday provision across the city. We are currently engaging in a process of consultation to ensure that we plan future services effectively and would be very grateful if you could tell us your views by completing a survey.

The survey is live from Monday 27 April and closes on Wednesday 27 May 2015.

We would like to hear the views of as many parents and carers of school age pupils as possible.

The link to the survey is:

Paper copies are also available from the school office.

A reminder that the school is closed on Monday 4 May for the Bank Holiday and on Thursday 7 May for an In-service Day for staff while school buildings are used in the Election process.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan