Friday 27 March 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 27 March 2015

Road Safety

Great news! To relieve the problem of parking around the school, Waitrose have very kindly offered their top floor car park for parents and carers to use to drop off children in the morning and collect them again in the afternoon. Please make use of Waitrose’s car park instead of the main road and the Bank car park. Thank you. It has been brought to my attention that cars are parking in front of the vehicle gates into the school. I would like to remind drivers that even when the gates are closed, that this is the vehicle access to the school and as such MUST be kept clear for emergency vehicles. Thank you for your co-operation in ensuring the safety of all our children.

World Autism Awareness Day

We enjoy celebrating the diversity in our school and supporting all our children. We would like to raise awareness of Autism by taking part in the Autism Awareness Week. We would like to invite everyone to wear blue on Thursday 2nd April . We suggest a donation of £1 which we will divide between the National Autistic Society and our school to provide resources to support our children.

Coffee Morning

Our monthly coffee morning for parents/carers of children with an additional support need takes place on Monday morning in the dining hall at 8.50 am. We will chat about Autism and our awareness raising ideas for World Autism Week.


A reminder that no balls are allowed in the playground except in the enclosed football space. It is too busy to play football before school. The school will provide a football to use during school breaks and we would be grateful if all footballs are kept at home. ALL children and adults should dismount from their bikes and scooters at the school gates and push them to the bike racks in order to keep everyone free from injury. Once again to ensure the safety of all in school, we would ask all parents to drop off/collect their children and leave the playground promptly. Thank you. This will also allow the classes the use the playground as an outdoor classroom during the day and the After School Club at the end of the day.

The Zumba Event.

Thank you so much to all who participated or gave a donation. Thank you also to Ms Morris for organising such a fun event for a great cause.

A message for P1 parents and carers from Ms McGhee:

Dear P1 Parent/Carer
A dragon came from fairyland! He needed our help! The Three Pigs, Goldilocks and Jack were going to lose their home! The dragon needed some brave and clever P1s to help save fairyland, did they succeed?

You are invited to come along on Thursday 2nd April at 1.45pm and find out! Please line up outside the school office. After the presentation there will be an opportunity for you to see your child's work. We look forward to seeing you. Sharon McGhee

Easter Break

We hope you all have a very enjoyable Easter Break. The school and nursery classes finish at the usual times on Thursday afternoon and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 21st April.

With very best wishes

Irene Brennan