Monday 23 March 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 20 March 2015

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at our recent Parent-Teacher Consultations. Thank you too for supporting our Book Fair. We sold £1581.27 worth of books. The commission received will enhance our library stock. THANK YOU! Thank you also to Mrs McTaggart and her keen group of helpers from P6 and P7.

Playground. Many thanks are also due to the parents/carers who spread the wood chippings over the ‘grass’ area of our playground. We are awaiting the installation of rubber matting in this area too. The Heras fencing will be moved back towards the embankment to increase this space.

A reminder that the Parent Council will be held at Broughton High School this Thursday 26 March at 7pm in the staffroom. We look forward to seeing you then.

Have you signed up for our adult Zumba event on Friday afternoon at 2.30pm in memory of one of our parents, Maria Hann? We have chosen the charity that Maria worked for and held close to her heart. The EWRASAC Charity supports women in need and helps lots of women locally. We would be delighted if you could join us and support this charity. Child care will be provided. Please complete the form available from the school office to let us know if you are able to join us. Many thanks.

News from our Football Coach

Nine of our P6 boys, Cairan, Craig, Sam, Tom, Charlie, Given, Cameron, Innes and Max took part in the tournament held at Westwood’s run by Fettes College on Friday 13th March. Five other teams entered Stockbridge PS, Edinburgh Academy, Merchiston Castle School and two teams from Fettes College. We won the first game 4-1 against Fettes. We won the second 4-2 against Edinburgh Academy. This put us into the final against Stockbridge which we won 3-1. The boys each received a winners’ medal. This is a big Achievement, well done to all! Flora’s Football Teams have won this tournament 3 times out of the last 4 years.

28 children who attend Flora’s Football Clubs are going on a trip to Livingston Football Club on Saturday 21st. We hope you have a great day!

Best wishes

Irene Brennan