Friday 13 March 2015

Flora’s Flyer for the 13th March 2015

We raised the fantastic total of £244.02 for the charity Book Aid. Well done and thank you everyone. So far today we have raised the magnificent amount of £414.29 for Red Nose Day with the nursery classes’ contributions still to come! Thank you to everyone for joining in!

All of the children from P2 joined together to tell us about the celebration of Holi, the Hindu Festival of Spring and new beginnings. We thoroughly enjoyed their amazing fashion show. Each child tie dyed their own t-shirt and then painted ‘splats’ all over. They looked great! Well done to Mrs Mondol and Mrs Johnston who ironed all 90! A big thank you to the teachers and Ms McGhee for organising this fabulous event and thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us.


We are delighted to be working with the Landscape Architect Firm, Urban Pioneers, to develop our playground. The team will be working with children, staff and parents to produce a design that will enhance the outdoor space in our school. Look out for their display in the hall during the Parent-Teacher Consultation evenings and give your thoughts and ideas. Thank you.

Sports Day

We have booked Inverleith Rugby Ground for the 28th May for our Sports Day this year. If it rains and the event is called off, our back up day is the 10th June. Fingers crossed for good weather!

Parent Council

Our next Parent Council Meeting will be held at Broughton High School. Come along and join us at 7pm on Thursday 26th March.


I have received another complaint from a customer of the Bank of Scotland who has been unable to use the carpark due to parents/carers parking there. Can I please ask once again that you do not use the Royal Bank carpark to drop off and collect your child? Thank you.

Head Lice – please continue to be vigilant and check and treat your child if necessary. Thank you!



Many congratulations to our P6 Euroquiz Team who came fourth out of twenty-two teams. Joe, Holly, Amy and Misty were great ambassadors for our school, thank you!


Daniel, P7, Rose and Ruairidh P4 also performed extremely well at the Inverleith Swimming Club Competition. All three winning gold medals and trophies! Fantastic!


Khaliq, Kasey and Florence competed in a chess competition last weekend. Although there weren’t enough players to form a Flora’s team, they joined up with the Nigel Short Chess Society and Kasey’s team won first place in their league. Well done indeed!


Very well done to our Basketball Team who played really well in the finals of the Basketball Tournament and were a credit to our school.
Stockbridge Library Easter Events –

10 April, 10-4pm - A Busking Bike - zooms! into Stockbridge Library from the Edinburgh Science Festival – a wonderful opportunity for kids to get involved in some mind-boggling science, experiments and dazzling demonstrations.

Tuesday 14th April – 2.30-3.30 Sweet Easter baskets – craft suitable for 5-12s years.

Friday 17th April 2.30 -3.30pm - Celebrate Vaishaki the Spring festival! – colourful stories and crafts for 5-12 years.

Blackhall Library Easter Events –

13 March 2pm-3pm Garden Sunflower growing and pot painting 5-8 years,

27th March 2pm Garden Easter Bunny Treasure Hunt & crafts 5-8 years

Have a great weekend.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan