Friday 6 March 2015

Flora’s Flyer for 6 March 2015

What a fabulous Book Week! We loved the amazing costumes and today’s reading hour with children ‘buddying up’ across the age groups was a huge success. We were all impressed with the stories that were written to share and the range of reading activities today. Thank you all and a big thank you to Ms Broadley for organising the week! Our next Scholastic Book Fair arrives the week of Parent-Teacher Consultations. The Book Fair commission is a great boost to our library stock.

The building work is progressing and a new tarmac path has been laid across the grass or more accurately, the mud, to access the nursery. Morrison’s Construction will be in school on Monday to deliver safety talks to everyone at special assemblies. Children have been asked to design a manifestation for the glass windows in our new build. Competition sheets have been given to all pupils. Please return to school by next Friday.

The final fencing for the new build is now in place and will remain as it is until the work is completed. This means that the Afterschool Club will use playground space to the front of the building from 3.20 to 6pm. In order to ensure their safety, the gates will be locked except for the main gate. The school playground will NOT be an Open Playground until after the building work is completed. If your child uses the playground after the school day to play they should no longer do so until the building work is completed. This will ensure everyone’s safety. Thank you.

Many congratulations to Lucy for winning the Loretto Piano Competition grade 5-6 class on Saturday 28 February. A fantastic achievement – well done indeed!

It was a very cold day for the Cross-country competition last Monday. Despite the weather, great fun was had by all. Many congratulations to Josh in P7 who came third out of all the boys (about 200). Well done to all who participated!

Four of our pupils enjoyed an interesting Maths Day at Merchiston School last Wednesday and solved a range of tricky maths problems. Four pupils also met with their peers from the cluster primaries at Granton Primary School to take part in a co-operative workshop as part of our Scottish School of Co-operation initiative. They produced some amazing dodecahedrons and made new friends from the other schools.

Good luck to our team taking part in the Euroquiz at the City Chambers on Monday.

Well done to Primary 2b for showcasing their hard work at assembly today. They shared interesting facts about the creatures that live ‘Under the Sea.’ We were impressed with how clearly they spoke to a large audience and their singing was amazing! Thank you P2b!

Free Fruit in schools for P1 & P2

One of the savings proposals for the 2015/16 financial year which was approved by the Council on 12 February 2015 was to stop the provision of free fresh fruit to schools for P1 and P2 pupils. Fresh fruit is already an option for dessert on the menu for a primary school meal. As the eligibility for a nutritionally-balanced free school meal was extended from January 2015 to cover all P1 to P3 pupils there is an opportunity for these pupils to have access to free fresh fruit through their free school meal rather than through the current method.

Parents in P4 to 7 can order and pay for fruit termly at present and this will continue.

There will be an increase in the cost of school meals from August 2015 to £1.95


Active Schools is back and we are collecting vouchers! Last year we collected over 30,000 vouchers and used them to buy scooters, racquets, outdoor beanbags, sensory kits and Latin American music for kids! Please give any vouchers to your child. We are collecting them from now until May. THANKS!

Have a great weekend.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan