Friday 27 February 2015

Flora’s Flyer for Friday 27 February 2015

We were delighted to have our Book Week launched today by author Lari Don. Lari spoke to the whole school at assembly and then ran workshops for Primaries 5 and 6. We are looking forward to exciting visits from a number of authors during our Book Week. We would be very grateful if you could send in a contribution of £1 towards the cost. Thank you.

We are looking forward to Thursday 5th March when we will celebrate World Book Day. We would like to encourage everyone to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. We finish off our Book Week next Friday with a reading hour.

Kelpies School Library Competition- Runner up! Congratulations to our Book Group who took part in this completion and won the runner up prize! We are delighted to receive a hand-picked selection of books for each stage in the school for our library from Floris Books. Here is a quote from the Marketing Manager, Chris McBain:

The judges were charmed by your wonderful answer to the question “Why do you think it’s important to have Scottish children’s books in your library?” It’s great to hear that “recognising bits of scenery, the familiarity of places they have visited and already know” gives your pupils “a real sense of connection with their country.”

Congratulations and very well done to those who took part.

Building Work School Access Information

From Monday there will be no direct access to the Nursery along the playground side next to Carlyle Court. All access to the Nursery will be around the building. Please follow the signs. For those parking cars it may be more convenient to park on Orchard Brae and please use the school gate there for access if possible to relieve congestion at the main gate in the front playground.

Children who normally line up outside the boys’ toilet door should now line up outside the dining room door in the morning except for P6B who will now line up outside the girls’ toilet door. These classes will be dismissed via the main door of the school at the end of the day, not the dining room door as in the morning. We will keep you updated as the building work progresses.

Computer Programming
Tom Harcus delivered a presentation on the Jacobites to his classmates.  The presentation was unique.  Tom is the first pupil at the school to deliver such an outstanding piece of coding as a presentation.  

The presentation is also the most complex piece of coding that a pupil has created for school work. Well done Tom!

Best wishes

Irene Brennan