Friday 6 February 2015

Dear Parent/ Carer

Our February break starts on Friday when children in the school and nursery finish at the usual times. We return on Monday 23 February. The preparations for the new build will be starting soon and I will let you know about the safety arrangements and access to the playground next week.

Bilingualism Matters – The University of Edinburgh –
Many thanks to Antonella Sorace for her very informative and helpful talk last Tuesday and we look forward to seeing you if you are coming along to the Internet Safety talk on Monday.

Meet other parents and carers at our informal coffee mornings.
Our next coffee morning for parents/carers of children with an additional support needs is on Monday 23 February at 9am and our monthly coffee morning for all parents/carers takes place Monday 2 March at 9am. Pop into the dining hall after drop off for a cuppa and chat.

Thanks to everyone for wearing red today to support the British Heart Foundation. Total raised to follow.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan