Friday 9 January 2015

Dear Parent/Carer

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year. Many thanks to all of our staff for ensuring a smooth start to the year and a particularly big thank you to Mr Rae, Mr Baxter and Ms McGhee for 'holding the fort' in my absence. I look forward to returning to school at the end of next week and seeing you all then.
I am delighted to hear about how much the children have enjoyed reading for the Readathon, well done everyone!

Welcome back to Mrs Louise Brown who has started back in our Nursery this week and also to Mrs Caroline Stuart in P4A. Both have enjoyed their first week. We have welcomed a number of new pupils to our school too.

It has been a busy first week back for staff and pupils alike. On Monday our staff worked hard on a number of school improvement activities. This week marked the start of free school meals for pupils in P1-3. Improvements have been made to our Dining Hall to allow us to cater for more pupils and it has ran very successfully. Thank you to our Catering Team for their hard work. Please remember that pupils in all classes still need to order lunches on Tuesdays a week in advance to allow us to plan ahead. Thank you.

We would like to say a huge well done to Patrick in P3 who some of you may have spotted in the newspaper and on TV as part of the British Heart Foundation ‘Wear it. Beat it’ campaign. We’d like to invite our pupils to wear red on Friday 6th February in return for a donation to support this good cause.

Our ‘Scottish Fortnight’ has kicked off this week and the sound of Scottish country dancing music has filled the hall throughout the week. Each class is learning about a particular aspect of Scottish culture or history and we invite you to school on Thursday 22nd January to see the pupils’ hard work. Please save the date and look out for a parent mail next week with further information and times.

Next Monday our school photographer will visit to take individual and family group photos. We look forward to seeing everyone smart and smiling for their picture! Thank you for returning your tear off slips so promptly.


We are delighted that Louise Cadlwell, Play Development Officer is coming to Flora's on TUESDAY 13th & WEDNESDAY 14th JANUARY! This is part of our playground development and has been organised by the parents on the working group.

Louise will be facilitating a session on loose parts play! As well as bringing a variety of 'loose parts' (tyres, wooden blocks etc) she wil be encouraging the children to play together while assessing risk.

We would be grateful if you could send your child to school dressed in warm clothes. If the weather is wet waterproofs and suitable footwear would be ideal. A pair of gloves would also be useful!

Our pupil council will be gathering children's views on their experience and will be feeding it back to the development group.

If you would like to be involved in the group, please contact Natalie Taylor, parent, via the parent council.
Spring will soon be here and you can now order new books from our Scholastic Book Club. The latest date you can place your order at is now February 27th, 2015. Why not take a look at some of the great offers across a huge range of titles. Every order earns free books for our school library. Thank you for your continued support

Best wishes

Mrs Brennan