Sunday 7 December 2014

Flora’s Flyer for Friday 5th December 2014

Only two school weeks to go! We are looking forward to watching our Nativity performances this week. The P1 and P2 pupils along with the staff have been working incredibly hard! Well done to you all!

We are also delighted to welcome Ms Claire Beaven to our staff team. Ms Beaven takes over from Ms Burns and will teach Primary 1/2.

The kitchen are serving up Christmas Lunch on Wednesday and alterations to the kitchen to accommodate more lunches being served to Primary 1 to 3, have taken place.

It’s the Parent Council Christmas Party time tomorrow. Many thanks once again to all the parent helpers for organising and staffing such a fun event!

Wider Achievement
A message from the Football Coach:

Two P6 teams went to the Scottish Cup at Meggetland. Great day was had by all but sadly neither team progressed or made the final. A great learning experience and I hope it will put them in a good place for next year.

The P7 football team shone in the Scottish Cup making it to the final, sadly being knocked out in the finial. Again, a great day had by all.

Normal games have now finished for a 'Winter' break, though the coaches hope to organise some friendlies and Saturday training/games. Contact will be through the usual text message.

Ruairidh went to the British Tae Kwon Do championships at Worcester representing "McGowan’s Tae Kwon Do". Ruairidh managed to win a Bronze Medal in team sparring. Well done, Ruairidh

Congratulations to Lydia for doing so well performing a dance at the Edinburgh Dance Academy’s Show at the Churchill Theatre. Well done, Lydia!

The Beavers’ Leaders at Comely Bank organised a sleepover at Deep Sea World and lots of our pupils took part. They had a fantastic time learning how to handle such sea creatures as starfish and after sleeping overnight in the tunnel underneath the main tanks, they fed the seals before heading home. What an amazing experience!

Best wishes

Irene Brennan