Sunday 14 December 2014

Dear Parent/Carer

We were delighted and enchanted by the amazing performances of both P1 and P2 in their respective productions of The Nativity. The children and staff worked incredibly hard and it showed! Lots of stars in Flora's! Thank you to you all!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support and commitment to our school. It has been an exciting and busy time consulting, planning and organising the New Build, developing the playground and fundraising to transform the library as well as our usual fantastic activities and events such as Flora's International Day, Pupil Council Elections etc.

Your support is very much appreciated and valued. Thank you.

I will not be in school for the last week of term and I am disappointed to miss this exciting time of year. I wish the Music School well for their performance at Broughton High School Concert and good luck to the performers at the school final assembly at St Stephen's Church. I am sure that it will be great fun at all the class parties especially the infant classes where a special visitor may arrive!

I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and send best wishes for a very Happy 2015.

I look forward to seeing you in January but in the meantime please contact Mr Rae, Mr Baxter or Ms McGhee if you have any queries or concerns. 

Miss G Morris is now married and we all wish her every happiness in her married life.

Miss L Barnes is leaving us at the end of term.  We wish her every success in her new job.

Irene Brennan