Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dear Parent/Carer

It’s December and the excitement is building!

Our Flora’s Readathon starts today! We hope that everyone enjoys reading as much as they can during the month of December – there are so many wonderful books to get ‘lost’ in and don’t forget other reading material too – comics, magazines, newspapers ……..
Looking for more books to read?  Can we remind you that the last date for orders through Scholastic Book Club is Wednesday, 3rdDecember.  Lots of great bargains for Christmas and commission for boosting the stock in the school library!
A huge thank you to author Diana Hendry for launching our Flora’s Readathon at last week’s special assembly. You should have received your letter and sponsor forms last Monday via ’pupil post.’
 A huge thank you also goes to parents, Katie Llewellin and Caroline Embleton for organising this event! Thank you both – what fantastic prizes too!

Such a great time was had by all on Friday when the younger classes enjoyed a fabulous performance in the school hall by Hopscotch Theatre Group and the rest of the school were delighted by the ‘BFG’ at the Lyceum. Many thanks to all who helped and to the Parent Council for their very generous donation towards the cost.

We are looking forward immensely to the Primary Music School Recital on Wednesday 3rd at 4pm.

Wider Achievement
Our children continue to shine!  Many congratulations to:

Ø  Our School Football Team for a fantastic game on Saturday – well done all!

Ø  On Saturday night some of our children were performing in the Edinburgh NYCOS Christmas Choir concert to a sell-out crowd in St Cuthbert’s.  They did ever so well, and all sang their hearts out!  Well done indeed to Ava, Caitlin, Jess, Finnegan, Lucia, Ruby, Nico, Orla, Shakira and Juliet.

NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) has an Edinburgh Area choir which practices weekly in St Georges School for girls.  It is a mixed choir for 8 - 17 year olds.  This gives children a great opportunity to sing in a great choir, and to learn musicianship through the Kodaly method.  This is a great music programme on our doorstep, and if anyone is interested in auditioning, this happens in May and information is on their website http://www.nycos.co.uk/ 

We warmly welcome you to join us at St Stephen’s Church on Thursday 18th December at 9.30am for our Christmas Assembly.
A reminder that both the school and nursery close for the Christmas Break on Friday 19th  December at 12 noon.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan