Sunday 23 November 2014

Flora’s Flyer for 21 November 2014

Dear Parent/Carer
It was a pleasure to welcome parents/carers to our assembly this morning. Primary 6b’s assembly on ‘Water’ was informative and very well presented. We were delighted to hear about the fundraising efforts of P6a, P6b and P5/6 to help provide toilets for children in developing countries. Their raffle raised enough money to purchase seven toilets that will make a real difference to the lives of other children. We are very proud of our responsible, caring children who are thinking of others. Well done indeed!
Well done and thank you also for supporting ‘Children in Need.’ The donations for last Friday’s Superhero Day came to £268.38.  Many thanks to everyone!

Playground Group
We had a super day on Wednesday when Stephen Mozier from ‘Grounds for Learning’ came into school to talk to us about some of the exciting activities we could have in our playground. After a whole school assembly, Stephen spoke with the Eco-committee and the Pupil Council to gather ideas and thoughts from them about what they like doing now and what they would like to do during their playtimes in the future.  The Parent Playground Group have also been very busy and will soon have an exciting and informative website to visit. Thank you to everyone!

It was great to meet so many Nursery parents/carers last night for our ‘Through the Keyhole’ curriculum evening and hope that this ‘peek’ into the workings of our nursery classes was helpful!

Book Week
We look forward to welcoming the author Diana Hendry to launch our Readathon at Monday’s special assembly at the start of Book Week.  Look out for the letters and forms going home by pupil post on Monday.
All Primary 1 pupils will receive a lovely pack of three books from the Scottish Book Trust which we are sure our P1s will enjoy reading with you.

Wider Achievements
We are always keen to hear about any wider school achievements that your child may have been working on at home.  These achievements could be sporting, musical or even a personal achievement such as tying shoelaces or cooking a meal.   We celebrate these achievements at Assembly and give pupils Flora’s Achievement postcards to recognise their hard work. 
If you would like to share an achievement with us, please send in a short note or email with your child’s name, class and details of the achievement.

Thank you very much to all parents who volunteered to accompany us to the Lyceum next Friday.  We have had a lot of support, thank you and we will contact parents to help with this visit at the start of next week.  Unfortunately we can’t accept all the help offered as we only have a limited number of adult tickets. Thanks for your support and patience.

P1-3 Lunches
After Christmas Edinburgh Council will begin offering free school meals to all pupils in P1-3 in line with the Scottish Government initiative.  To support our preparation for this, we would be very grateful if all parents in P1-3 could respond to our survey.  This will be in the form of a letter sent out this coming week. Your responses will allow us to plan our lunchtime provision according to anticipated demand for hot meals.  Thank you for your help with this.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan