Friday 14 November 2014

14th of November 2014

'Through the keyhole' Nursery Curriculum Evenings

Dear Parent/Carer

Another busy week at Flora’s: Parent Council meeting, the nasal flu spray vaccinations, enrolment for our new P1 pupils in August, a special Road Safety Magic Show for P1, P2 and P3 classes, class visits to various exciting venues, twelve teachers visiting from Norway and superheroes filling the school today for Children in Need! I think we all need a relaxing weekend!
We would like to send a special Good Luck greeting to the children who are performing in the Gang Show next week! Very well done indeed – we are all very proud of your achievement.

Through the Keyhole
We look forward to welcoming Nursery Parents of afternoon children to our ‘Through the Keyhole’ curriculum evening. Invitations have been sent out and we look forward to seeing you then!

P1 and P2 Nativity Rehearsals are well under way. Each child will be allocated TWO tickets. The Primary 2 performance is on TUESDAY 9th December at 1.45pm. The Primary 1 performance is on THURSDAY 11th December at 1.45pm.

The Hopscotch Theatre Company will be coming and entertaining our AM nursery, P1 and P2 children on Friday 28th November with a performance of Sleeping Beauty. A big thank you to the Parent Council for funding this event.

Head Lice
In a large school like Flora’s it is inevitable that we occasionally see cases of head lice. Here is some information about how best to get to rid of these unwelcome visitors.
Head lice are spread through head to head contact at home, while playing or in school.
Regular wet combing of your child’s hair using a head lice detection comb is the best way to catch this possible problem at an early stage.

The only way to be sure that your child has head lice is to find a live louse. If you find live lice, get the correct lotion from your doctor, health visitor or pharmacist. Shampoos and other treatments are not effective.
One treatment is two applications of the treatment lotion, seven days apart. If this is not followed then re-infection is likely.

Advise family members and close friends that your child has head lice and that they should check their own hair. Only treat if live lice are found. Don’t be shy about advising others of this possible problem because you would likely tell family and friends about other infections which might affect them.

Regular wet combing of your child’s hair with the head lice detector comb is the best protection as it allows you to detect the condition and treat it speedily.

Further information about head lice can be found here: