Friday 31 October 2014

Flora’s Flyer 31 October 2014

Open Day

The 5th November is an Open Day for all City of Edinburgh Primary Schools. All parents/carers of children who have not yet started school are invited to visit their local catchment primary school, particularly parents with children who will be starting school in August 2015. This is a great opportunity to find out what your local school has to offer, see the school on a working day, and meet the Head Teacher and other staff, as well as ask any questions about the school and what it can offer.
There is no need to book ahead, just join us for a tour at one of the following times:
Tours start at 09.30, 10.00, 11.15, 13.45 and 14.15.

Congratulations to the music school pupils who all played fantastically well at the outreach concert at Stockbridge Primary School and were a real credit to the music school and to Flora’s. Very well done to: Shakira, Alicia, Arjun, Josie, Amelia, Edward, Elian, Amelie and Joel.

Upcoming Music School dates:
The music school is holding its annual Open Day on Saturday 1st November.
It will be held in the music school at Broughton High and runs from 11am-2pm.
The primary music school pupils will be performing in various activities from 11.30-12.30  - choir, samba, fiddle group, solos etc as well as lots of ex-flora’s, now senior music school pupils performing too. If you have a child who may be interested in auditioning for a place, please come along and find out what the Music School offers.

Wednesdays 12th and 26th November – Twilight concerts at 4pm at Broughton High (all welcome.)
Friday 21st November – Showcase of Excellence concert in Perth Concert Hall.
Wednesday 3rd December – Primary Music School Christmas Recital 4pm at Flora’s
Tuesday 16th December – Broughton High Christmas Concert with Flora’s pupils who are in the String Orchestra.  Concert in Broughton High at 7pm.

Primary 5: So You Think We’re Talking Rubbish?

Last week, primary 5A, 5B and 5/6 were visited by ChangeWorks, an environmental charity, who came to teach us more about how to manage our waste. We learnt why it is important to reuse our organic waste by using composters. We now know that composting also recycles nutrients, helps plants grow and encourages and feeds worms.
We created composters using bottles, autumn leaves, grass cuttings, fruit peelings, newspaper and cardboard scraps, tea bags and a little bit of water.
We will observe these composters over this term to see the changes. We can’t wait to see what happens!

We continue to encourage our pupils to line up sensibly and quietly in the morning when the warning bell sounds.  If you enter or exit the playground through the West gate, please help us by trying not to walk through the class lines, standing back to allow the pupils space to line up. Many thanks for your cooperation.

Some Class Newsletters provided a date for when the School Photographer would visit Flora’s.  As the Flu Vaccinations are now scheduled for the same day, we have decided to postpone the Photographer until the new year.

P7 Autumn Sports
On Monday, P7 participated in the first ever North Neighbourhood Autumn Sports event at Broughton High School.  Pupils were spilt into groups for Boys and Girls Rugby, Basketball, Football, Fencing and Ultimate Frisbee.  Pupils learnt skills and played warm up games in the morning and played competitively after lunch.  We are very proud to announce that our Girls Rugby group came first place on the day winning a lovely shield for the school. Congratulations to the other teams who took part too.