Sunday 26 October 2014

Flora’s Flyer 26 October

Welcome to our first Flyer for this term. We hope you all had a very enjoyable holiday break. As the nights draw in and the weather gets colder, we look forward to many exciting activities and events in school.

Thank you all very much for your contributions for our Harvest Assembly. The food donated will be given to a local Food Bank.
Best wishes to all our Hindu Friends who are celebrating Diwali and their New Year.

Coffee Time!
Our monthly Coffee Mornings continue. This Monday’s (27th) is for parents and carers of children with an additional support need and the following Monday (3rd) for all parents and carers.

We are looking forward to our Parent Council Quiz Night tonight. Good luck to all teams!

Next Parent Council Meeting is on TUESDAY 11th NOVEMBER in the Music School. Please note change of date from the 10th.

Next Friday is Hallowe’en and although there are no parties, children may, if they wish, come to school in a costume.

A message from the Chess Club
There are a few spaces available at Chess Club, Wednesdays 3.20-4.20pm for P3-P7's. We're also looking for players for a team competition next Sunday, 2nd Nov. You don't need to come to the club to play in the competition. Please email for more information on the club and the competition.

The Music School Open Day takes place at Broughton High School on Saturday 1 November from 11am to 2pm. Our Primary School Music Pupils will perform between 11.30 and 12.30. All are welcome to drop in.

Primary Schools Open Day
The 5th November is an Open Day for all City of Edinburgh Primary Schools. All parents/carers of children who have not yet started school are invited to visit their local catchment primary school, particularly parents with children who will be starting school in August 2015. This is a great opportunity to find out what your local school has to offer, see the school on a working day, and meet the Head Teacher and other staff, as well as ask any questions about the school and what it can offer.
There is no need to book ahead, just join us for a tour at one of the following times:
Tours start at 09.30, 10.00, 11.15, 13.45 and 14.15.

P4 Chocolate Factory is Cream of the Crop – news from P4
On Friday 10th October P4’s amazing topic on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory culminated in the event of the year – The Phenomenal Chocolate Factory Visit.  All the pupils created wonderful ‘Wonka Treats’ as part of their IDL (Interdisciplinary Learning) topic which was combined with this year’s enterprise task.  The children designed and created the treats at home, with the much appreciated help of their own special Oompa Loompas (their parents).  The children then dressed up as characters in the story including Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Verruca Salt, Grandpa Joe and of course none other than the fabulous Oompa Loompas themselves. 
During the visit their families were delighted by the children singing songs from the story and performing a special drama of ‘The Nut Room’ scene.  Everyone was then in awe of the scrumdiddlyumptious treats on offer and with the help of some very special Oompa Loompa parent helpers from the P4 classes (continuing the sales in the playground) we sold every single treat.  As a result of this magnificent event we have raised an astonishing £510.05 for the P4 fund.  The children are in the process of deciding how they would like to spend their money and it is looking like it will help us to participate in an exciting trip or two this term.
Best wishes

Irene Brennan