Friday 19 September 2014

Wow, the Flora’s World Family Day was fantastic! A huge thank you to all for planning, organising, running and attending this event. A particularly big thank you to Jane Ali-Knight for her hard work planning and organising! The Music School pupils started us off with fantastic strings and samba band music, the parents’ stalls were wonderful and the International Café served up delicious treats!  Thank you all! The children had an amazing ‘trip around the world’ filling up their passports. What a super way to celebrate the cultural diversity of Flora’s.
Primary 7 are off to Dalguise on Monday. I am sure they will have a fantastic time. Check out our Twitter feed for daily updates!
P6 Space Detectives Workshop.
As part of a Space topic, Primary 6 pupils attended a 'Space Detectives' workshop at the National Museum of Scotland. Pupils were shown a number of exhibits in the museum including different types of telescopes used throughout different periods in history and were learning about Galileo’s extraordinary discoveries. After an interactive session naming, ordering and gathering information about the planets in our Solar System, pupils were given the opportunity to create their own telescope, inspired by Galileo. Pupils were shown how to use the lenses and tubes that made up their telescope to view objects in the distance. Pupils had a terrific time learning lots of new and exciting information and were praised by the public and staff at the museum and on public transport for their excellent behaviour throughout the trip.

On Wednesday, 2 of our P7 JRSO's (Junior Road Safety Officers) attended a launch event at the City Chambers about the exciting year ahead for JRSO in Edinburgh. Our JRSO's were given lots of great ideas from other schools in Edinburgh to help them raise awareness of road safety around our school and local area. They were also given practical presentation tips to help them deliver exciting and engaging assemblies that even included a few magic tricks! The JRSO's left the event full of excellent ideas and excitement for what JRSO has in store for this year at Flora's.

Your views are sought by the Council:
A consultation is underway to help draw up plans for new 20 mph speed limits across Edinburgh. Following a successful pilot in South Edinburgh, a 20 mph speed limit is now proposed for the City Centre, main shopping streets and residential areas.
Whatever your views about our 20 mph speed limit proposals, we want to hear from you.  You can email your views to the address below or use the online questionnaire.  Drop-in events, public meetings and exhibitions are also taking place across the city.
An interactive map of the draft proposals, a list of frequently asked questions and details of the engagement events are available on the Council’s website at