Tuesday 16 September 2014

We hope you all enjoyed the long weekend despite the wet weather!
We appreciated the super turnout for both our Parent Council AGM and our P1 Curriculum Evening and are looking forward to welcoming you to our Curriculum overview at our Parents’ Evening for P2 to P7 parents and carers on Tuesday evening and to finishing off the week with our highly popular and successful International Day for the third year.
The International day event celebrates the wide diversity in our school and starts with the Music School providing some music at the beginning of the afternoon. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening and Friday afternoon.

The school and nursery classes are closed for pupils on Thursday 18 September. Staff will use this day for staff development and training.

Primary 7 pupils and staff are looking forward to their residential experience at Dalguise Outdoor Centre. They set off on Monday 22 September. I’m sure you will all have great fun!

The funds raised at the Summer Fair have been used to purchase 28 iPad mini devices along with protective cases.  Each stage in the school, including the nursery will have a dedicated set of iPads that will be remotely managed and updated every three weeks.  Every class will also have one iPad solely for their own use. 

Many thanks to the parents who organised such a wonderful event and to all of the school community for attending.  The addition of the new iPads to our current supply will make a massive positive impact on the learning and teaching of ICT across the curriculum at Flora’s.

Best wishes

Irene Brennan