Friday 5 September 2014

Flyer for 5 September 2014

The term is fully underway now and we look forward to continuing to work in close partnership with all parents and carers to ensure a high quality experience for all our children. We particularly value the support of our Parent Council and look forward to seeing you at the Parent Council AGM on Monday Evening the 8th September at 7pm in the school Dining Hall.
To keep all parents informed of what is happening in their child’s class, we are pleased to invite you along to the following information events:
Our new Primary 1 parents/carers are warmly invited to attend a Curriculum Evening on TUESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER at 6.30pm. The purpose of the evening is provide information on the curriculum, learn how you can support your child’s learning and meet other P1 parents.
Parents/carers in P2 to P7 are warmly invited to attend an Information Evening on Tuesday 16th September. The purpose of this evening event is to provide information on what will be happening in your child’s stage during the year and how you can support your child’s learning. There will be two sessions in each class, one at 6pm and one at 6.30 pm. This is to allow parents with more than one child the opportunity to attend another class.
Important Dates for your diary.
A reminder that the school is closed for pupils on Monday 15th September and Thursday 18th September. Our October Break starts on Friday 10 October and pupils return to school on Tuesday 21st October. Parent –Teacher Consultations are planned for Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th October and appointments will be arranged nearer the time.
International Day
We also look forward to seeing you at our International Day on Friday 19th September.
Playground Safety
For the safety of all, children should dismount from bikes and scooters at the school gates and walk with their bike or scooter to the cycle racks at the back of the Playground. We have a very busy playground and don’t want any injuries or accidents. Thank you.
Book Club
Great News! We're running a Scholastic Book Club to earn free books for our school. We'll be sending the Book Club leaflets home so that you and your child can choose from the latest exciting selection of books.
Please place your order online at by October 3rd, 2014.