Friday 29 August 2014

Welcome to this week’s Flyer


Well done to all our new pupils. Our New Nursery and Primary One children have settled into the school routine very well indeed! The school has increased in size this year. We now have 526 pupils in 19 classes. By September, there will be 120 children in our nursery.


P1 and P2


A massive well done to our Primary 1 and Primary 2 children who have been working in their house groups. The Teddy Bears’ Picnic was a huge success and thankfully, the P2 pirates saved the Flora’s treasure! A big thank you to Andres, a parent from P3 who made all our pirates a balloon sword!


Lost Property


We have gathered up a lot of lost property, mostly without names and would be grateful if you could check your child’s belongings and claim your items. The lost property will be recycled after one month. Thank you.


Flora’s International Day, Friday 19th September


On Friday 19th September, from 12.30 – 3 p.m., Flora Stevenson Primary School is taking part in Stockfest (a week long community festival in Stockbridge). Flora’s International Day is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful cultural diversity we have at our school.


The previous occasions have been hugely popular and we look forward to repeating our success this year and are looking for parents / carers, from a range of different cultural backgrounds, to decorate a stall/ table in the school hall, to represent a particular country or region of the world. For example South American countries may wish to group together depending on numbers of interested parents. Likewise, if several people from the same country would like to be involved (ie: France), they may share and decorate a stall together.


On the day, the doors will be open to anyone who wishes to come, and they will be able to visit all of the different stalls. Children will be issued with a special passport that can be stamped at each stall they visit.


Parents and children would be able to decorate or set up their stall as they like, using pictures, photographs, artefacts and souvenirs from their countries. The stalls can be prepared on the day from 11 a.m. Stall holders should also have a stamp or stickers from their country to put on the pupils’ passports.


There will be opportunities for children throughout the school to be involved in activities and art work relating to the event, in the weeks leading up to Flora’s International Day


There will also be an International Café in the dining hall, from 12.30 – 3p.m., parents will be asked to kindly contribute some baked goods representing different cultural backgrounds to sell on the day. These can be handed into the school office on the morning of the 19th September.


The event will be free, but a small charge will be asked to buy food or drink from the Café on the day. All children must be accompanied by an adult.


If you would like to be involved in setting up a stall and / or bringing food in on the day, please return the form below to class teachers or office staff by Friday 12th of September. If you would like further information please email 

I would like a stall.                              Yes
Country / Region for stall ……………………...............................
I would like to bring in food.               Yes
Child’s name and class ……………………….................................
Your name …………………………............ 
Email ………………………….............................. Contact number ………………………...........