Monday 25 August 2014

Flora’s First Flyer of the Session 2014/15


A very warm welcome back to school to everyone and a particularly warm welcome to our new pupils and parents in the nursery, school and Music School and our new members of staff. We hope that you all had a relaxing summer break. What super weather this year!


Our new members of staff are:

Mrs Leslie, Mrs O’Donnell, Ms Mesquita and Mr Marshall who join us in the school and Mr Sansom, Mrs Fairbairn and Ms McDonald who join us in the nursery.



 Our Staffing for 2014/15


Head Teacher
Mrs Brennan
Depute Head Teachers
Ms McGhee, Mr Baxter and Mr Rae
Business Manager
Mrs Barclay
Assistant Director of the Music School
Ms Emslie
Mrs Mackay and Mrs Irvine (one day per week)
Mrs Rodriguez
Ms Reeves
Ms Burns
Ms Butcher
Ms Scott
Mrs Rusbridge
Ms Hewlett
Ms Mackenzie
Ms Barnes
Mr Marshall and Mrs Irvine (one day per week)
Ms E Morris
Ms Mesquita and Mrs Shannon (one day per week)
Ms G Morris
Mrs Kearsley and Mr Baxter (one day per week)
Ms Broadley
Mr Henderson
Mr Rae and Mrs O’Donnell
Mrs Leslie
Mrs Coleman and Mr Sansom, Mrs Wood, Mrs Horsham, Mrs Clarke, Ms Gardiner, Ms Wylie, Mrs Fairbairn, Mrs Watson and Ms McDonald
Support for Learning
Mrs Smith
Ms Hutt
Mrs Black
Mrs Shannon
Office Administrator
Mrs Dixon
Clerical Assistants
Mrs Low and Mrs Smith
Service Support Officer
Mr MacInnes
Pupil Support Assistants
Mrs MacTaggart, Mrs Burden, Mrs Gilbertson,
Mrs Iannoukos, Mrs Johnston, Mrs Kinnaird, Mrs Loughrin, Ms Mondol, Mrs Pearson, Mrs Phillips.
Ms Porter, Ms Tang, Mrs Winsor-Smith, Mrs Watson.
Playground Supervisors
Ms Stevenson and Mrs McLaren



I am always happy to meet with parents/carers. Please telephone/email the school office to make an appointment or drop in to my Parent Surgery on Mondays from 5 to 6pm. No appointment necessary.  While I have responsibility for the whole school, the Depute Head Teachers have responsibility for specific areas of the school and are also available to speak to you.


Miss McGhee
Nursery, P1 , P2, P2/3
Mr Baxter
P2/3, P3, P4
Mr Rae
P5,P6, P7


Our new pupils are settling in very well and we look forward to our Primary One pupils staying full-time from Monday 25 August.

Everyone looks so smart in their school uniform. Thank you for your support.


Several classes are enjoying visits to the Book Festival to listen to inspiring authors and illustrators. Many thanks to our parent helpers who are accompanying our pupils on these trips.


A warm welcome to our new Primary 1s! They have been working together on bear related activities and will end their project with a teddy bears’ picnic on Friday 29th August. At the same time, our Primary 2 Pirates have been rescuing the Flora’s treasure from the Swashbuckling Stevenson. They have been making pirate jewellery, reading maps and building dens after a shipwreck! A pirate party will be held on Friday 29th August. Children can come to school dressed as a pirate!


The school is closed for pupils on Monday 15 September for a holiday and on Thursday 18 September. This is an In-service Day for staff.


Wet weather.

If it is raining in the morning, children may come into school from 8.40am. Primaries 1and 2 may come into the old hall through the main entrance. Primary 2/3 and Primaries 3 to 7 should enter through the dining hall door and line up in the dining hall.


Finally, a reminder that the cost of school lunches has increased to £1.90.


Best wishes

Irene Brennan

Head Teacher