Tuesday 3 June 2014

Sports Day. We look forward to enjoying our Sports on Tuesday afternoon (weather permitting!)

Nursery Sports will be held on 11 June with their back-up day being the 20th June.

Music School Events. The Music School Primary recital is on the 4th June at 4pm. The String Orchestra is playing in the Twilight Concert in Broughton High Theatre 4pm on the 11th June and the final Twilight Concert for this session is on Wednesday the 18th June at Broughton High School. We are also looking forward to our Music School Pupils playing at our Summer Fair.

Summer Fair It's only two weeks till the Summer Fair. Please help us make it a huge success, have a rake through your cupboards this weekend and see if you can find some donations. We need your pre-loved uniform, children’s book/DVDs, and bottles for the tombola and jam jars filled with goodies like stickers, Lego, hair clips or sweets.

This week your child should have brought home a book of 10 raffle tickets in aid of the fair. There are over 30 great prizes to be won from a Champagne Lunch for 4 at The Bonham hotel, to 2 tickets for "Sunshine in Leith" in the Fringe and a lesson for 4 at Transgression Park. See if you can sell as many tickets as possible to your family and friends. All the money raised will go towards buying much needed iPads for the school.

We hope you can come along to the Playback ICE Workshop on Tuesday 3 June to help shape the future of our Parent Council. 7 to 9pm in the Music School.

Great News! We're running a Scholastic Book Club to earn free books for our school. We'll be sending the new Book Club leaflets home so that you and your child can choose from the latest exciting selection of books. Please place your order online at http://schools.scholastic.co.uk/flora-stevenson by June 11th, 2014.

This event may be of interest to some of our parents/carers


Financial Education Week

For the last week, pupils at Flora’s have been participating in a Financial Education week. As well as learning about how money works from the RBS, collecting credits to spend on an experience this Friday and writing stories with a ‘money’ theme, each class was given £10 and challenged to make something that will make them money! Pupils have been busy coming up with incredibly creative ideas and, any profit they make, can be kept and used to buy something for their class. The classes will be presenting their idea at Citizenship Gathering on Monday and on Wednesday afternoon will be selling their items to their peers. We would be grateful if you could give you child between 50p and £1 to spend in the marketplace. Money should be brought in on Wednesday. Pupils in the infant classes might wish to put their money in an envelope or purse clearly marked with their name.

If you are unable to provide 50p for your child please don’t hesitate to contact Ms McGhee.

Art Sparks Learning.

As you may remember we were finalist in the Art Spark Learning competition. Our school won the national final and has been awarded £750.00 of art supplies for the school. We would like to thank everyone who voted for us and those who publicized our participation in the competition.