Sunday 8 June 2014

Another incredibly busy week!  Thanks to everyone who made it so successful!

We started on Monday with some of our pupils having a great time at Meadowbank for the City’s Interscholastic Event for large schools. Well done to all those who took part!

Tuesday was an anxious morning as we continually checked the weather, however the rain stayed away (mostly) and we had a fantastic Sports afternoon at Inverleith Rugby Ground. Thank you to Miss Hutt, her helpers and to all staff for ensuring that it ran so smoothly and we all had great fun! It was also fantastic to see so many parents, carers and friends!
We were also very pleased to welcome Ms Mairi McCabe to Flora’s. Ms McCabe will teach the violin in Mr Owen’s absence.
In the evening members of the Parent Council and staff attended a second very successful workshop with Playback Ice.

On Wednesday, we really stepped up a gear! Our new P1 pupils from some of our partnership nurseries and their parents or Nursery Staff members came along to find out about their new school and meet Freddie the bear. It was lovely to see them all and we are looking forward to all our new primary ones joining us in August.
Next, all classes presented their products to the rest of the school. In the afternoon, the whole school visited the stalls and all the fantastic goods were snapped up! Financial Week has been a huge success. Many thanks to Ms McGhee and her Working Party of keen staff who planned and organised it all and to all our children who worked so hard inventing, designing, making and selling their goods. All start-up costs were returned and every class made a profit! Fantastic!

P4/5 had a great time playing cricket in the morning and the day ended on a tremendous musical note!
Our Music School Pupils’ amazing Recital was performed to a packed house. It was enjoyed immensely by all. What a lot of hard work! Well done to you all and to Ms Emslie and her staff.

Thursday’s exciting event was the P7 Careers Speed Working Event where we were delighted to have many people talk to our P7 pupils about their jobs. Thank you all for giving up your time.

On Friday, we welcomed another cohort of new pupils from our partner nurseries. P4/5 told us all about their Ancient Egyptian learning at assembly – fabulous! -  and all pupils enjoyed a ‘reward’ for their hard work during our Financial Week!

Next week, we look forward to welcoming parents to our Community Day in our Old Hall from 9.30 to 12.00 on Thursday. We hope you can pop in and visit the stalls.
On Friday afternoon, our P6 and P7 pupils who did SO well at the recent Maths Challenge will collect their prizes at Edinburgh University! A super achievement – very well done! Thanks you Ms Broadley.

Not long now until Flora's Summer Fair.  Please come along and support the Fair on Sat 14th June from 2-4pm.

With the money we raise we hope to buy more IPads/ tablets in order for each group in every class to access at least one machine and so help the pupils use technology with confidence and improve their literacy, numeracy and creativity.

We can't do this without everyone's help.  We are really grateful for your donations so far. Please keep them coming. Still looking for tombola bottles, jam jars filled with small goodies like cars, Lego, sweeties etc.  We would love you to give us your cakes and tray bakes on Friday 13th. Could you drop off baking at back door to dining hall. Thank you. If you are really organised then scones on Sat 14th please. We will be setting up from midday on Sat 14th. It would be helpful if any of the main allergens ie eggs, wheat, nuts, dairy, could be written on a card to accompany your baking. We don't want anyone missing out on the chance to indulge do we?

Please buy as many raffle tickets as you can. Ask your family, friends, neighbours.  They come in books of 10. Even if you just buy 1 ticket, it all helps.  Hand back tickets with your name and address, together with payment to class teacher.  If you do not want to buy any then please return unused tickets too please. We have really fantastic prizes and lots of them so everyone must stand a good chance of winning. Haircuts, lunches, beauty therapies, sport lessons, you name it we have the prize but you need to get your tickets back to class teacher ASAP.

Remember all the money raised at the fair and raffle will benefit YOUR children.  Let's see how much Flora's parents, teachers and pupils can raise!