Friday 16 May 2014

We are delighted to inform you that Mr Baxter and Ms McGhee have been appointed as permanent Depute Head Teachers at Flora’s. Many congratulations to both. Along with Mr Rae, Depute Head Teacher, Mrs Barclay, Business Manager and myself, the Senior Management Team is well placed to continue to move the school forward and we look forward to continuing to work with parents/carers and partners to ensure a quality experience for all our children.

Holiday Reminder,
Our school will be closed on Monday 19 May for the long weekend and also to pupils on Thursday 22 May for the European Election.
A reminder too that Sports Day is on Thursday 29 May, however P5, won’t attend this year as they are through to the Final of Club Golf and we wish them well on that day! Good Luck!

Tesco Art Competition.
We are very pleased to announce that Bethany in P6 has been awarded a Special Merit in the 2014 Tesco Schools Art Competition. This is a tough competition and we are proud that Bethany’s efforts have been recognised.  She will attend an award reception at the National Gallery in June. Well Done!

Flora’s Mascot
You may remember that each pupil at Flora’s was asked to create a mascot character which helps to demonstrate the values and ethos of our school.  We had more than 200 entries from across the school and it took the teachers and Pupil Council a while to whittle it down to six finalists.  Each pupil in the school was asked to vote on the one they liked the best and the results were shared with the pupils on Monday at Citizenship Gathering. Congratulations to Avinash in P5 for creating the winning design – a Phoenix.  All six finalists received a certificate and book voucher. Avinash will work with a graphic designer to create the Phoenix.  Look out for lots of exciting Flora’s Phoenix developments in the coming months.

We look forward to welcoming parents/carers into school on the following Fridays for Class Assemblies:
Friday 23 May – Mr Henderson P3a
Friday 30 May – Ms Kirkwood P3b
Friday 6 June – Mrs Kearsley P4/5
Friday 13 June – Mr Campion P4b

Friend Support
This week, representatives from each of the P6 and P7 classes got together to talk about their class and friends.  The eight pupils work with Mrs Nordberg to learn how to work together and support each other with friendships or problems in the classrooms.

P7 Maths Masterclass
Some P7 pupils enjoyed the final Maths Masterclass session over at Fettes with Miss Broadley this week.  All pupils behaved exceptionally well and the highlight was definitely the talk by Karjan Poskitt – the author of the Murderous Maths book series.

P3 Broughton High School Visit
As part of a ‘My Journey to Broughton High School’ mini-topic, P3 pupils went to the high school to take part in a cluster sports event on Wednesday. Pupils spent the morning working together and participating in a variety of different sports. They got the chance to learn skills from lacrosse, cricket and basketball, they were given a taster of parkour and were taught fencing skills from the national team captain. They had a great morning and worked really well together learning new skills - well done!!

Health and Safety
A few of our pupils have this week been wearing shoes with wheels built into the heels.  Given the layout of the school and the size of our playground we do not feel that this type of footwear is appropriate in school.


Golden Time
Thank you to all parents who have given up their time this session to support Golden Time activities.  We are still looking for volunteers for the final four weeks to enable us to offer activities out with the school grounds.  If you are interested in getting involved please email the Parent Council volunteer coordinators on