Tuesday 6 May 2014

We hope that you have enjoyed the holiday weekend. The dance group who worked with Dance Ihayami were fantastic at the Royal Botanical Gardens on Saturday and were a spectacular opener to the show! Very well done everyone!

Financial Education Week
Do you work in finance?  Do you run your own business? Would you like to come and share your experiences with Floras Pupils during Financial Education week, 26th to 30th May?
Please contact Ms McGhee if you are willing to support us in this exciting focus week.

Art Competition
This Wednesday morning we will be have a special assembly where the 18 pieces of art awarded to the school will be revealed to the pupils and staff.  The assembly will be covered by journalists from local publications.  A professional photographer is visiting the school on Thursday afternoon to make a visual record of pupils working with the art we have won.  The lesson will be led by artist and parent Jane Weatherly and will take place in P4/5.

So far our voting campaign (to win £750 of art supplies, by public vote) has been published to the council intranet, The Real Edinburgh News, The Herald twitter, The Bright Futures Blog, via the Parent Council email system and an email has been sent to very school in the city. 

If you have not yet voted to support us please go to www.art.co.uk/artevent and vote for THe Flora Stevenson Primary School.

Club Golf
P5 continue to do extremely well at Club Golf and are now through to the Final! Well done everyone and good luck!

Pupil Achievement
Many congratulations to Abby Loughran in P7a who has successfully gained a place at the Broughton Dance School.  A great achievement!