Monday 10 March 2014



Welcome to our Flora’s Flyer - 7 March 2014

Fairtrade Fortnight
Very well done indeed to everyone for a fantastic Fairtrade fortnight!  Many congratulations are due to P6a and P6b for their great stalls and an amazing profit of over £200 for charity! A superb effort, well done!

Partnership with parents
We look forward to meeting you at our second round of Parent- Teacher Consultations for this session on Wednesday 19 or Thursday 20 March. Individual appointment times have been sent home with your child.

Anna McLuckie
We look forward to welcoming Anna McLuckie from the Music School to play at our Assembly and tell us about her experience on the TV Programme, ‘The Voice.’

A message from the Pupil Council:
We have been carrying out a consultation on the playground. We went to our classes and asked them their views on the playground. We asked them what they like and what they do. We also asked them who they play with and what improvements they would like to see. The reason we are doing this is because we want to make the playground better. We have over 500 questionnaires and when we have found out all the information we will be speaking to Mrs Brennan and the Parent Council. If you would like to speak to the pupil council reps please contact Ms McGhee. Thank you

Hour of Code
The school entered a competition titled an Hour of Code where a class was to spend one hour working with a programming language to achieve a set goal.  On submission of our results we were awarded five Raspberry Pi computers.  These are going to be used initially as part of our Golden Time.  We will share the resource with Broughton High School and continue to develop our programmers through collaboration with the High School staff and pupils.