Saturday 15 March 2014

Flora’s Flyer for Friday 140314

It is lovely to see the signs of Spring and the longer hours of daylight make such a difference. This has been a very busy term and once more there have been lots of exciting events involving Flora’s pupils this week. We enjoyed two fantastic assemblies this morning from P2b and P5b. The Junior Road Safety Officers have worked hard to encourage safe travel to school and we loved the ‘Superhero’ costumes today! Well done and thank you to all.
Our week started with an exciting visit from ex-pupil, Anna McLuckie to play and sing at our Citizenship Gathering. Anna is starring in the BBC Show, ‘The Voice.’ Good Luck Anna and thanks!
It was also lovely to welcome two trainee Guide dogs to our P2 classes and also parents who work for Scottish Water to tell P3 about how we get clean, safe water in our school and homes.
We look forward to meeting with parents and carers on Wednesday and Thursday to discuss pupils’ progress. If you have not received your appointment time, please see the Class Teacher.
The Book Fair arrives on Monday. We will be open for business Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 12.40 and 1.10pm and also during parent consultations on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Please help us enhance the stock in our school library, the more books sold, the greater the commission for us to spend on new books!  Many thanks.
Good luck to our violin and cello players, Sophie, P7 and Alice P6 who are performing in the Childline Concert this evening.
Many congratulations to Jannike P6b for securing a place in the Under 12 Scotland Basketball Squad for Girls and Jona P7b for securing his place in the Under 12 Scotland Basketball Squad for Boys. Jannike and Jona are representing their teams in Andorra in May. Congratulations and Good Luck! We look forward to hearing all about it!
Congratulations to Elian in P4 for successfully securing a place in the Music School for August. Well done, Elian!
Very well done to Lucy in P6 who has won her piano trio class with her sisters, also in the Music School (Broughton pupils now) and will play in the Queen’s Hall on Saturday Night.
The next Parent Council Meeting is on THURSDAY 27 MARCH in the staffroom at Broughton High School.