Monday 24 March 2014

Welcome to this week’s Flyer.
Another busy week of events. Big Congratulations are due to the children who competed in the Cross Country Event last Monday at Inverleith Park. Our entrants did particularly well with Christopher P in P7 coming 4th out of 300! Excellent runs too from Jannike, Daniel P and Lucas in P6.  Thank you to Mrs Walker and Ms Alexander for your help on the day.

Last week, 4 P6 pupils travelled with Mr Rae to the City Chambers to take part in the annual Edinburgh School Heats for the Euroquiz. Oliver, Orla, Mika and Alexander had practised for weeks and learnt about countries, languages and Parliaments to help them answer some tricky questions.  Despite a fantastic performance, Congratulations must go to our friends at Bruntsfield Primary for coming first.

Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting is on Thursday 27 March at 7pm in the Staffroom at Broughton High School.
An information Evening for parents/carers to consult on the accommodation proposals will be held in our school hall on Thursday 3 April at 6.30pm. We look forward to seeing you.


Parent-Teacher Consultations
It was a real pleasure to see so many parents and carers this week for our consultations. Thank you for your positive and helpful feedback. Many thanks also to Mrs MacTaggart and her band of P7 helpers who manned the Book Fair and Fairtrade Stalls.

Sports Relief
This weekend a number of our pupils are planning to complete Swimming Challenges to raise money for Sports Relief.  Impressive sums of money have been raised already and we look forward to finding out how they got on next week.  Good luck!


Music School
Monday 25th March – Lucy, Antoinette and Shakira, the P6 string trio are playing in the Queen’s Hall as part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Resonate Concert series.

Tuesday 25th March – international cellist Stephen Isserlis is giving a masterclass in the music school at Broughton High – Shakira has been chosen to play.

Edinburgh Competition Festival – Lucy and her two older sisters Freya and Emily got an outstanding award and were asked to perform in the Queen’s Hall last Saturday as part on the winners’ concert.

Lucy achieved an outstanding and an excellent award for her solo performances on piano and violin, Antoinette achieved excellent awards for her solo performances on piano and violin.


One of our school rules to keep all children safe, is not to play on the embankment bordering Orchard Brae.  Some parents/carers are allowing their children to play on the embankment at the end of the day. Please help your child to follow the rules to keep safe and also to allow us all to enjoy the daffodils that the Gardening Club have planted. Many thanks for your support with this. 

Here is a reminder of our school uniform policy from our Handbook.

School Uniform

Parents are asked to co-operate with the school in encouraging the wearing of the school uniform. It incorporates a range of popular items of dress, e.g. sweatshirts, T-shirts.

Wearing school uniform contributes to a positive school ethos and helps avoid discrimination and reduces peer pressure to wear expensive designer clothing.

Our School Uniform consists of grey or navy trousers/skirt/pinafore, white or red polo shirt, or white shirts/blouses and red or navy sweatshirts.  All uniform items may be purchased on line from our supplier, Border Embroideries at or by calling 01361 810304.  You can choose for uniform to be delivered to your home or alternatively free of charge to the school.  Please note, deliveries to the school will be once a month. 

P6 pupils design a special sweatshirt to wear in P7.
Items of clothing which have been found within the school are kept in lost property which is in Room 4 on the ground floor where they can be claimed by pupils and parents.

No football shirts, scarves etc. may be worn to school. All clothing should be named, please.

A school’s reputation can also be enhanced in the local community by the wearing of school uniform and school security will be improved as it will be easier to identify intruders. 

The appropriate clothing and footwear for PE is a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes with non-marking soles. These are necessary for health and safety reasons and your co-operation is requested to ensure that pupils are equipped to participate in the PE lessons.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled, particularly ties, sweat shirts and PE equipment which are often lost.

A protective apron or an old shirt should be worn for art and craft activities.

Please help us by ensuring that pupils do not bring valuable or expensive items of clothing to school.

For safety reasons, the wearing of jewellery to school is discouraged. If pupils with pierced ears must wear earrings they should be of the stud variety and not the dangling or hoop variety. Please note that to all football tops and scarves may not be worn in school nor skimpy tops, t-shirts with slogans or other inappropriate clothing.

If you have any queries regarding the school’s dress code, please contact the school office.

Footwear and Clothing Grants

Grants for footwear and clothing for children are available to parents receiving:

  • Child Tax Credit, but not working tax credit, with an annual income of less than £ 15,860
  • income support
  • jobseekers allowance[income-based]
  • support under Par V1 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
  • Income related element of Employment and Support Allowance

Information on free school meals and clothing grants is available on the website. Applications for free school meals and clothing grants can be made by contacting Grants, Awards and Placements, Business Centre 1:1 Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG

Please ensure that your child wears the full school uniform to school every day. If you have any difficulty providing a full school uniform, please discuss this with Mrs Brennan.

Thank you.

Can we please remind you to check your child's head this weekend? It is important to keep checking for headlice regularly, thank you.