Monday 31 March 2014

Welcome to our last Flora’s Flyer before the Easter Break. School closes on Friday at the usual times and re-opens for all on Tuesday 22 April at 8.50am.

Date for your Diary
Our Sports Day will take place this year on the afternoon of 29 May, weather permitting. If Sports Day is called off, we will re-schedule for Tuesday 3 June, also in the afternoon.

Rising School Roll
You are invited to come along to the School hall on Thursday3 April to hear about the options for the new classrooms needed for session 2015/16. The meeting is from 6.30 to 7.30pm and a crèche will be available.

Parent Council
The Parent Council have invited Playback to run a self-evaluation workshop for parents on how to be an effective Parent Council. The workshop will take place on Thursday 24 April from 7 to 9pm.

Primary Seven
This week Primary 7 are presenting a fabulous Show all about World War 2. We are looking forward to it immensely! What fantastic songs!

Tram Safety
Congratulations to Chapman in P4 for his wonderful animation on keeping safe around the trams. You can view Chapman’s video on-

Club Golf
The P5’s won the Broughton Cluster golf competition. They were a credit to the school. Well done! The team will now be attending the next round of the city wide tournament. Good luck!

A super report from our Chess Players:
We had 8 players from Flora's at Wester Hailes on Sunday 23 March, playing in two different competitions.

Beth, Benedict, Philip and Wojciech played in the UK Chess Championship Last Chance Saloon. Many congratulations to Philip and Wojciech who are through to the Mega Final in April, and well done to Beth who was playing in her first competition. 

Also playing in a competition for the first time was Avinash, who was thrown in at the deep end and played board one for our P5 and under team in the Lothian Schools League, alongside Khaliq, Florence and Kassey. After our fantastic success in the last competition we were promoted to the A league and played against well established and experienced A teams from other Lothian schools. So Avinash, in his first competition, was facing the best player from each of the other schools. The whole team played very well and kept on trying their best against very tough opponents. They really did the school and themselves proud.


We hope you all have an enjoyable Easter Break. Thank you for all your support this term. It is very much appreciated.