Friday 28 February 2014




Welcome to the Flyer for 28th February

Our next Coffee Morning for parents/carers is on Monday 3 March at 9.00am in the Dining Hall. All welcome!

A huge thank you to our Parent Council for funding which has allowed us to install rubber grommets to our Football Fencing. This has deadened the noise considerably when balls are kicked against the fencing. Our neighbours have noticed a significant difference and have expressed their gratitude.

Our new water fountains were installed during the February Break along with repairs to the playground surface and alterations to the entrance doors to ensure that they close automatically. Please assist us in maintaining the safety of all by only using the main entrance to come into school and signing in.

If the weather is very wet, children may come into the building from 8.40am. P1 and P2 enter by the main entrance and assemble in the main school hall. Pupils in P3 to P7 should enter the building through the dining hall doors and assemble in the dining hall. Thank you.

Maths Masterclass

This week a small group of P7 pupils attended Fettes College for a ‘Maths Masterclass.’  Armed with their pencil cases they walked over with Mrs MacTaggart.  The morning was spent working on a variety of problems on the properties of numbers.  It was a challenging morning but we were so pleased to hear that our pupils performed and behaved exceptionally well.

St. George’s School Visit

On Thursday, 30 Primary 6 pupils and Miss Barnes went on an exciting visit to St. Georges School for Girls.   After splitting into teams, our pupils were treated to an exciting series of workshops where they had taster sessions of different languages.  They learnt how to write different words in Chinese and a Bollywood dance among other things.  Well done to Beth in P6a who also played her Violin in front of a large audience at the end of the event.  Once again we are very pleased to note that Flora’s pupils are a credit to our school when we are out and about.

The Big Pedal

Look out for a separate letter that will be coming home with your child providing more information about ‘The Big Pedal.’  It is a joint project between our Junior Road Safety Officers and Eco Committee.  Over the next two weeks we will encourage as many pupils as possible to cycle or scoot to school.  Each day your child will participate in a survey about how they have travelled to school and each time a cycling or scooting journey is made, our school receives a point.  We hope to win as many points as possible. 

This serves as a good opportunity to remind parents that if they are unable to walk, cycle or scoot to school, that they drop their children off to school in a safe place.   Please do not use the Bank or Royal Mail car parks for drop offs.  Please ‘Park and Stride’ meaning that the area around our school is safer for everyone.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight is well and truly up and running at Flora’s.  There are challenging and engaging activities going on across the school and pupils have had lots of opportunities to find out more about the Fairtrade movement and how it supports growers and producers.

Next Thursday, P6 plan to share their work at a special Coffee Morning event. They would like to welcome all parents to the Coffee Morning starting at 11am. Please bring along some money as there will be stalls, tea and coffee and Fairtrade products to purchase.  Any profit made on the day will be invested into providing a microloan for a grower or producer in a developing country.

The school has been awarded 18 pieces of art to display around the building as part of an ongoing national art competition.  Each piece will be professionally mounted or framed before delivery.  During March and April we will continue participating in the competition via the website, we need your support in voting for our entry on the website, so that we can be in with a chance to win £650 - £1000 of art resources. Flora’s is one of only three national finalists.

Scottish Book Trust Winners

Many congratulations to Emmeline P1b and Christopher in P7a. They have both won prizes in the review competition for Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2013.  Emmeline has won First prize in the Bookbug category and Christopher has won Third prize in the Younger Readers category.  Their awards will be presented during the ceremony on Wednesday, 5th March at The Mitchell Library in Glasgow.  You can read their reviews online at

Fundraising for Sport Relief – a note from Flora’s Football Team Coaches

Five of our Primary 7's have managed to get together and do some fund raising for 'Sport Relief,’  They are even doing it under the name of Flora’s Flyers. Up till now they have managed to raise a fantastic £855 which all goes to Sport Relief.  They have to swim 5K between them. If you would like to sponsor this group, please follow this link. Many thanks.