Monday 10 February 2014

Welcome to Flora’s Flyer for the week beginning 10 February 2014

What a fantastic Healthy Eating Week! Delighted to see so many children thinking about and making very healthy choices! We loved all the fabulous fruit sculptures and were enthralled with Chef Kitchin’s talk about his philosophy of ‘Nature to Plate.’ Well done and a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to such a fun and educational week, especially to Mr Baxter for all the organisation and planning.

Congratulations to Mrs Dow; our Administrator who has successfully secured a second Business Manager post. Mrs Dow will be the Business Manager for Prestonfield and Stockbridge Primary Schools. We would like to thank Mrs Dow for all her hard work and commitment to Flora’s. Mrs Dow has been a great asset to our school. We will miss her and wish her all the very best in her new job. Mrs Dow’s last day is Thursday 13 February.

Scottish Book Trust – Book Reviews
Miss Broadley was extremely pleased to see that the Scottish Book Trust has chosen many of the reviews submitted by pupils at Flora’s to feature on their website.  Our P7 pupils reviewed books by Scottish authors during our Book Week.  They also worked with their P1 buddies during the week to support them in writing their own book reviews.    Some of the children’s reviews can be read by following this link:
Well done to all involved!

As part of our plan for improvement this session, our Pupil Council are running a competition to create a mascot or character that demonstrates the values and ethos of our school.  The competition was launched today and we’ve asked for as many entries as possible from across the school.  Pupils are welcome to create individual entries or work with their families to create a family entry.  Please return your entry to school by next Friday.

Well done to the P6 and P7 pupils who attended the Basketball festival at Meadowbank Stadium last week.  We played extremely well and narrowly missed out on a place at the Finals after a tense game with Sciennes Primary.  These pupils will be presented with a certificate at our Citizenship Gathering on Monday.

Remember to buy your Ceilidh Tickets and thank you in advance for your donations towards our Scottish foods raffle hampers!

The School and nursery closes at the usual times on Friday 14 February for our February Break. All resume on Monday 24 February. Have a super break!