Friday 10 January 2014

Welcome back and a very Happy New Year to you all. We hope you enjoyed the break.
We are looking forward to another exciting and creative term. We start with our whole school focus on all things Scottish.
Next week is the start of Scots Fortnight at Flora’s.  This year is the 2014 Year of the Homecoming and to celebrate this year and the events being held across Scotland, each stage will focus on a different aspect of Scotland.  Nature, Arts, Language and People are all areas being studied throughout the school over the next two weeks.
We will be welcoming ex pupil Jamie Calder who is currently in S3 at Broughton High School into school on Monday where he will impress and enthuse us all with a Bagpipe performance during our Citizenship Gathering.   We look forward to hearing from our Music School fiddle group and also from Mr Pearson who will visit the school to share some folk songs with the pupils.
We would like to invite all parents and carers to a Scottish Showcase event on Thursday 23rd January, where each class will have an allocated time to perform a song/poem on stage before inviting you back to the classroom to share in your child’s learning.  Please see the timetable below.

9.15          P4
9.30          P5
9.45          P6
10.00        P1
10.15        Music School
11.10        P7
11.30        P2
11.45        P3

Cluster Cooperative Learning Council
Next Monday afternoon our P6 Pupil Council Representatives will visit Broughton High School for the first meeting of the Cluster Cooperative Learning Council.  They will meet with teachers and representatives from Broughton High, Ferryhill, Granton and Stockbridge Primary Schools.  Over the next few months the Learning Council will visit each of the Primary Schools to have a tour and to learn more about the work they are doing.  This initiative is one of many planned by the Cluster to increase cooperative working between schools.
Coffee Morning
Our regular monthly Coffee Morning will be held on Monday 13 January at 9.00am in the Dining Hall and we look forward to seeing those who can make it along.

Parent Council
The next Parent Council Meeting is on Monday 27 January at 7pm in the Music school.
The Parent Council Ceilidh date has been changed from 24 January to 28 February. More information to follow.
Congratulations to both Primary Six classes who entered a Carol Singing Competition and were awarded joint Second Place across all Edinburgh Schools. Well done to everyone and Mrs Black for all their hard work! The prize was vouchers to spend on music resources.
Congratulations also to Shakira and Lucy in P6 who auditioned for the National Children’s Orchestra of Scotland and were both successful. Shakira was also successful in her audition for the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain. Very well done to you both!
Lost Property
We currently have quite a large amount of lost property that has not been collected. If your child has come home without an item of clothing recently please visit Room 4 at the end of the school day to check for their belongings.