Monday 16 December 2013

This is our last Flora’s Flyer for 2013. We hope that you are finding the Flyer interesting and helpful.

Many thanks to everyone for all their help and support this year. We are very lucky to have such a lot of willing helpers. Thank you!

What a fantastic week! The Nursery and Infant Nativities and sing-a-longs were tremendous!

What an amazing amount of hard work went into every one and it showed! The enthusiasm, excitement and energy had us all tapping our toes and enjoying every minute! What brilliant actors and musicians! Very well done to everyone and a huge thank you to Ms McGhee, Acting Depute Head Teacher with responsibility for Nursery and Infants and to her whole staff team in the school and nursery and not forgetting, Ms Emslie, Assistant Director of the Music School.

The Parent Council Christmas Parties were a great success and enjoyed by all. Many thanks to the Parent Council organisers and helpers.

All classes will be having a Christmas party in school this week.

We invite you to join us in St Stephen’s Church on Thursday 19 December at 9.30am for our Christmas Assembly.

School closes for the holidays on Thursday 19 December at 12.00 noon and resumes on Tuesday 7 January at the usual time for school and for the afternoon Nursery Classes. The morning Nursery Classes resume on Wednesday 8 January. Monday 6 January is an In-service Day for staff.

The Nursery afternoon classes finish with a party on Tuesday 17 December and the last nursery morning classes after their party on Wednesday morning.

Finally, we are coming to the end of the piloting phase of our Shared Learning at Home policy.
We have put together an online survey to gather information regarding the effectiveness of the policy.  If you wish to provide feedback, please complete the survey by clicking here.


The entire Staff would like to wish you all

a very Happy Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014.