Monday 27 January 2014

Healthy Eating Week
We are looking forward to our Healthy Eating Week starting on Monday 3 February.
The following exciting events have been organised:
Alison Thornton will be coming into school to make an individual fruit salad with many of the students. 
Two classes are visiting Pizza Express to make a healthy pizza.
The Eco Committee members are visiting the Scran and Scallie for a tour, a discussion of the importance of using local produce and a quiz.
Classes will be attending our school kitchen for a demonstration of kitchen safety and food hygiene.
Michelin Star Chef Tom Kitchin will be attending a special assembly on the 5th of February.

Music School
The next Music School Twilight Concert takes place on Wednesday 5th February at 4pm in Broughton High School.  The following Twilight Concert is on Wednesday the 12th February.

Parent Council
The Parent Council meets on Monday 27 January at 7pm in the Music School and on Monday 24 March in the Staffroom at Broughton High School, also at 7pm.
The Parent Council Ceilidh takes place on 28 February at Broughton High School. Tickets will be on sale shortly.

An Hour of Code Competition
Primary 4/5 made a trip to Broughton High School to participate in a competition called An Hour of Code.  The pupils worked with Mr Steven Clarke and Mr Paul Wilson (Parents of pupils at the school) both of whom work in the world of programming, to produce a small programme that controlled a 2D animation. This was achieved within the hour and without any prior pupil knowledge! A great achievement for all concerned.  As a result of this success the school has been awarded five Google Pi computers.  These will be used to continue our programming work in Golden time on a Friday.

Chess Club
Our chess players once again achieved success at the Lothian Schools Chess League. The tournament took place on Sunday.  Congratulations to Philip, Wojciech, Khaliq, Kasey and Florence who formed a team in the P5 & Under B League and Won!
Benedict played in a composite team that came second in the P6/7 League.
Congratulations to them all!