Friday 1 November 2013

Whole School Bhanghra Dancing

The start of the month of November means darker evenings but brighter mornings. This week we have enjoyed welcoming visitors to Primary 3 to tell us about the World of Work, P4/5 and P5 held an Our World day, we dressed in fabulous costumes for Hallowe'en and learned about the festival of Diwali.
The Islamic New Year, also known as The Hijri New Year begins on the 5th November.  This date will mark the beginning of the Islamic Calendar Year 1435H.

Some of our Primary 7 visited Fettes for a Maths Masterclass and had a great time.

Tuesday 5th is an Open day for parents/carers with children who will start school in August 2014. Please also pop into school during the week beginning 11 November to complete an enrolment form if your child is due to start school in August 2014.

Coffee Time!
Pop into our informal Coffee Morning on Monday 4 November at 9.00am after drop off and meet other parents and carers of Flora's.

The Music School Pupils were a credit to Flora's when they performed an Outreach Concert this week at Wardie Primary School. Very well done indeed!

 An Open Day for the Music School takes place on Saturday 2 November from 11.00 to 14.00 at Broughton High School.

The Edinburgh Art Fair 15 to 17 November at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange
Visit the Fair and at the same time support our school.
The Edinburgh Art Fair is a family friendly event where the presence of our younger visitors is valued. The children of today are the artists, gallery owners and art collectors of tomorrow. There is a crรจche as well as painting classes and printmaking workshops to keep them educated and entertained and, of course thousands of artworks for them to view, admire and critique, as they take in the fair with their parents/carers.
Children under 16 have free entry when accompanied by an adult.
We have 100 tickets at £5.00 each per adult for the Art Fair with the proceeds all going to the School to enhance our Art Supplies. Tickets may be purchased from the School office.

Thank you for your support parking your car in other locations and not in the Bank, Post Office or close to the school gates and crossings.