Thursday 24 October 2013

P7B presented a wonderful assembly about their fantastic work with volunteers from the Botanics (who came along!)

We hope you enjoyed the holiday week. This is always a very exciting time in school as we start the run up to the Christmas Break.

This week, Primary 4’s enjoyed a fantastic visit from Zoolab. Snakes, insects and lizards were among the creatures featuring during the visit. We were also pleased that the Primary 4 class from Stockbridge Primary School were able to join us for this interesting lesson.

On Saturday 2nd November our Hindu friends will be celebrating Diwali. We will have a festival of light assembly next Friday where we will learn all about this special festival.  
Children are invited to come to school wearing bright or traditional clothes.

If you and your family celebrate Diwali please get in touch.

Our next Coffee Morning for Parents and Carers of children with Additional Support Needs is on Monday 28 October at 9.00am. We look forward to seeing you then.

Our Parent Council Quiz Night is on Friday 1 November. We hope that you have signed up your Team for this fun evening! We look forward to seeing you then.

Remembrance Sunday is coming up and Primary 7 will be selling Poppies in school from Monday 28 October. We suggest a donation of £1.00 if your child wishes to buy a poppy. Thank you for your support.

The Music School Pupils are performing an Outreach Concert next week at Wardie Primary School. The next Music School Twilight Concert is at 4pm on Wednesday 30 October in Broughton High School.

An Open Day for the Music School takes place on Saturday 2 November from 11.00 to 14.00 at Broughton High School.

The Edinburgh Art Fair 15 to 17 November at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange
Visit the Fair and at the same time support our school.
he Edinburgh Art Fair is a family friendly event where the presence of our younger visitors is valued. The children of today are the artists, gallery owners and art collectors of tomorrow. There is a crèche as well as painting classes and printmaking workshops to keep them educated and entertained and, of course thousands of artworks for them to view, admire and critique, as they take in the fair with their parents/carers.
Children under 16 have free entry when accompanied by an adult.
We have 100 tickets at £5.00 each per adult for the Art Fair with the proceeds all going to the School to enhance our Art Supplies. Tickets may be purchased from the School Office.

Primary Schools Open Day
Remember, Remember 5 NOVEMBER
All City of Edinburgh Council Primary Schools are holding an open day on 5 November.
We're welcoming all parents or carers with children who haven't yet started school to pop in and visit their local catchment primary school, particularly parents with children who will be starting school in August 2014.
Even if you already have older children at school, younger siblings are welcome to look around with parents or carers.

It is a great opportunity to find out what your local school has to offer, see the school on a working day, meet the Head Teacher and other staff, as well as ask any questions about the school and what it can offer.

There's no need to book ahead. Just pop in and join us at one of the following times: 09.30, 11.15 or 13.45. We look forward to seeing you.
The New School Website.
Our new school website is now active.  Please update your bookmarks and urls to
The Catering staff at Floras will be providing a themed menu for Guy Fawkes Day.

Bangers and Fiery Mash and Hot Hoops
(Sausages served with cheesy mash and spaghetti hoops)
Crispy Squibs with Chips and Hot Hoops
(Crispy vegetable bites served with chips and spaghetti hoops)

Sticky Toffee Apple Pudding With Custard
Hot Mallow Chocolate with a Bonfire Night Cookie