Friday 8 November 2013

Celebrating Achievement.
What talented pupils we have……
Good luck and congratulations to Marcus in P6 who will be playing the part of Pinocchio in the show ‘Extravaganza’ at the Churchill Theatre on 29 and 30 November.

The Edinburgh Gang Show 2013.              
Next week, a number of pupils in the upper school will perform in the Edinburgh Gang Show 2013. The children will perform every night from 19th of November to the 23rd of November at the King’s Theatre. These children are Abhijai, Orla, Nico, Lily and Dan. The Gang Show is packed with comedy, music and dance and showcases the talents of Scout and Guide groups from across Edinburgh. Tickets can be bought online or from the King’s Theatre Box Office. We hope you can all come along and support our wonderfully talented pupils!

We are so proud of our Music School Pupils for excellent performances at two Outreach Concerts at Craigentinny and Wardie Primary Schools. Also for their enthusiastic work during the Open Day at the Music School. Very well done indeed!
The next Music School Twilight Concert is on Wednesday 13 November at 4pm in the Music School at Broughton High School.

Well done to Primary 6a for a wonderful, thoughtful and moving Remembrance Assembly. Thank you to the parents and carers who were able to come along and join us.

Parent Council Meeting
We look forward to seeing you at the Parent Council Meeting on Monday 11 November at 7pm in the Music School.

It was great to see so many visitors to our Open Day last Tuesday.

Pupil Council
On Monday the Pupil Council had its first meeting in the City Chambers.  As well as participating in meeting skills training, the pupil council voted on their priorities for the coming year. We look forward to working alongside them in the coming year.