Friday 29 November 2013

December is nearly here! We are looking forward very much to our Infant Nativities. These are always a highlight of the season!

We invite you to join us in St Stephen’s Church on Thursday 19 December at 9.30am for our Christmas Assembly.

School closes for the holidays on Thursday 19 December at 12.00 noon and resumes on Tuesday 7 January at the usual time for school and for the afternoon Nursery Classes. The morning Nursery Classes resume on Wednesday 8 January. Monday 6 January is an In-service Day for staff.

Many Congratulations to some of our former pupils who made a splendid animation ‘Secret of the Seas’ with teacher Simon Jackson. (Mr Jackson is currently on a sabbatical, teaching in Cairo.)  The children's film on caring for our environment has been awarded first prize in the 4 -11 age group –of the Hot Water Animation Awards - a unanimous decision by the judges. A super achievement, well done! Part of the prize is a special resource from the leading British Manufacturer of ecological cleaning products. Mr Stewart will present the school with an Eco Turtle (rainforest friendly washing up liquid) at our Citizenship Gathering on Monday along with a representative from Deep Sea World. Well done, indeed!


As the weather gets colder we would appreciate it if you could send your child to school dressed in weather appropriate clothing. Clothes should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Thanks 


P1 Nativity  Thursday 12th December 1.45pm 

P2 Nativity Tuesday 10th December 1.45pm 

Butterflies Nativity Tuesday 10th 10.45am 

Butterflies Sing along Tuesday 10th 12.45pm 

Ladybirds Nativity Thursday 12th 10.45am 

Ladybirds Sing along Thursday 12th 12.45pm 

We are thoroughly enjoying our Book Week and looking forward to seeing everyone dressed as a character from their favourite book to end the week along with our reading hour. Thanks for all your support of our activities. A special thanks to Ms Broadley for her organisation of this super week of events and activities to foster a love of reading.

Are you free to drop in to the dining hall for our informal coffee morning for all parents/carers in the school and nursery on Monday 2 December between 8.50 and 9.40? We’d be delighted to see you!

We are delighted to welcome the Anne Frank Ambassadors from Broughton  High School on Monday to talk to our P7 pupils.

Tuesday sees our P4 to P7 pupils visit the Lyceum Theatre to watch a performance of
‘A Christmas Carol.’ Thanks once more to the Parent Council for subsidising this trip so generously.

The Music School pupils will showcase their talents at a Primary Recital to their parents/carers and staff on Wednesday at 4pm.

A reminder that the Parent Council Christmas Parties are on Saturday 7 December.

Flora's chess players did extremely well at a Chess Competition last Sunday.
Florence P3, Kasey P3, Philip P4, Wojciech P5 and Benedict P6 all took part.  

Mrs Wilson who supervised the children said, ‘They all enjoyed playing and often when they came out of matches it was difficult to guess the result as the smiles were just as big whether they won or lost. Their behaviour all day long was impeccable and they showed great maturity. There were 27 players in the P5 & Under (ungraded) category which all our players apart from Benedict were in, and Philip won it with a score of 5 (out of a possible 6) and was presented with a wonderful gold trophy!’

Several children from P5, P6 and P7 also competed in a Swimming Gala last weekend. Yasmin, P5, Jannike, Daniel P, Daniel M in P6, Ellie, Abbi, Aidan and Marc in P7 who all swam really well with many achieving personal bests in their times in a very competitive field! Again, the children were a great credit to Flora’s.
 Very well done to you all.