Friday 4 October 2013

4th October 2013

Flora's World Family Day 

Flora’s World Family Day was a great success once more this session! We would like to thank everyone for their contributions and enthusiasm. We started off with beautiful musical items from our pupils in the Music School. Many thanks to them and Ms Emslie for playing us in! The stalls from around the world were very interesting and we enjoyed having our ‘passports’ stamped as we ‘travelled’ around the world – thank you very much to all the stallholders for sharing their culture and customs with us. We finished off by sampling delicious dishes from around the world. Thank you to everyone who contributed and to the ladies who served it up! We were also delighted to have a visit from the Capercaillie. This wonderful willow sculpture graced our hall on its trip around as part of the Stockfest. The total raised was £211.88 which will be donated to help families in Syria.

Congratulations to pupils who are awarded a Head Teacher’s Star Award at Assemblies. I have enjoyed meeting with them at my Head Teacher’s Tea Parties. A special Head Teacher’s Tea Party was also held to thank the outgoing Pupil Council who did a marvellous job last session. Thank you all!

You are warmly invited to our informal drop in coffee morning in the Dining Hall on Monday 7 October at 9.00am to meet other parents and carers of Flora’s. We look forward to seeing you.

School Meals Session 2013/2014
The payment and ordering of school lunches will be changing from next week. Lunches will continue to be submitted on a Tuesday, a week in advance, however we will no longer be sending home weekly menus on the Monday.
Each child has received a booklet which lists the 3 weekly menus with the corresponding dates down the right hand side. You will need to refer to this each week and complete the booking slip by simply ticking if you require hot meat /hot veg/or baked potato.
The booking slip should be taped to the front of a sealed envelope with the correct payment enclosed. There are enough slips for the next 3 weeks however more can be downloaded from our website once these run out. If you don’t have access to a PC we will keep some spare copies in the office. Copies of the 3 weekly menus will also be uploaded to the web-site and can be accessed at any time.
If all requests can continue to be handed in to your class teacher (not the office) on a Tuesday morning for the following week. Please refrain from sending lunch money in any earlier than this, unless you know your child is going to be absent on the Tuesday morning. This will ensure no money is left in classrooms overnight. Where possible please provide the correct amount of money as we cannot be held responsible for any change going missing. All cheques should be made payable to ‘The City of Edinburgh Council’.

Parent-Teacher Consultations.
You will have received an appointment time from your child’s class teacher and we look forward to discussing your child’s progress on either Wednesday 9 or Thursday 10 October. During Parent-Teacher Consultations children should remain with parents. There is no adult supervision available to keep your child safe. Children may not wander around the building unsupervised. Thank you.
The Book Fair will be in the hall during Parent/Teacher Consultations. Please come and look. A portion of the sales are returned to the school to purchase books for our library and sets of novels for reading activities. We would also like to boost the stock in our class libraries. Thank you for your support.

We are holding our ‘Harvest Assemblies’ on Friday 11 October. We would be very grateful if you could send in a tin or packet of food for these assemblies. We will send all donations to a local Food Bank who have written to us and asked for our support this year. Thank you. Please send your donation into school on Thursday.

Primary 7 are visiting the ‘Risk Factory’ on Monday. The activities and scenarios presented to them help them to make good choices and to think clearly in a number of difficult situations.

Well done indeed to several of our P6 and P7 pupils who took part in football trials this week and last week. The competition to be chosen for the Edinburgh Select Team is very strong. We are very proud of our entrants and have our fingers crossed for their success!
On Thursday pupils from P3 - P7 took part in trials for the school swimming team that will be competing at the Edinburgh School Swimming Gala in November. The pupils worked really hard in the pool and four of them managed to set times that were eligible for participation.

Summer is definitely behind us and so I ask that children come to school prepared for the season ahead. Children benefit from having their breaks in the fresh air, they need to run about and let off steam. Unless the weather is severe, we intend to let the children out to play every day. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed appropriately for cold or damp weather. They should bring a coat (preferably a waterproof with a hood) to school every day.

In order to curtail the spread of viruses this winter, parents are reminded that NHS guidelines state that children should be kept off school for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea or 24 hours for vomiting.

Finally another reminder that school closes on Friday 11 October for a week and resumes on Tuesday 22 October at the usual time for P1 to P7. The Nursery classes resume as normal on Tuesday.