Friday 27 September 2013

We have had a fabulous week. Our focus on ‘I’m the Only I’ has celebrated the uniqueness of everyone in our community here at Flora’s. It was great to see the wide range of interests and hobbies on Tuesday as we celebrated the wider achievement of our learners and staff. What a lot of great activities and what a range of talents!

The Flora Stevenson Pupil Council Elections were held on Thursday. An impressive 145 pupils stood for election. 419 votes were cast. Ms McGhee the presiding officer concluded the elections were fair and just. The counting officers, Miss Barnes and Miss Anderson, counted and verified the votes and the results are as follows

P1/2  Emilie             P2A   Amelia            P2B   Benjamin
P3A  Ebba                P3B   Campbell        P3C   Corin
P4A  Taylor              P4B   Ellie               P4/5   Josette
P5A  Ruraidh           P5B    Hector
P6A  Daniel             P6B    Abhijai
P7A  Alice               P7B    Louis

A huge congratulations to our newly elected pupil council and a massive well done to everyone who stood for election. We are incredibly proud of you.

We are looking forward to our ‘Flora’s World Family Day’ on Friday. The Music School Pupils will play as we arrive. Children will then have the opportunity to have their passports stamped as they visit stalls from around the world and sample the delicious dishes from around the globe! Thank you to everyone for their contributions and enthusiasm!  Please send your contribution into the School office on Friday morning.

The beautiful Capercaillie decorated at last Saturday’s Stockfest at Broughton High School will make a visit to our ‘Flora’s World Family Day.’

Thank you once again to the Royal Botanical Garden for donating their much loved benches to the school. Thank you also to the parent/carer volunteers and TSB employees who are tidying our garden area and re-painting our playground games on the tarmac.

Parents /Carers of Primary 6 children are warmly invited into school on Monday evening from 6.30 to 7pm to find out about the Outdoor Experience for Primary 7. This gives plenty of time for preparation and allows the cost to be spread over a longer time. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

We enjoyed meeting parents and carers at our Primary 1 Information Evening and at our P2 to P7 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Event. Now it’s the turn of our Nursery Parents/Carers who are warmly invited to our Nursery Information Evening on Wednesday 2 October at 6.30pm.

P7 look very smart in their new sweatshirts and will have their class photograph taken on Friday 4 October.

Please remember to return your request for which Parent-Teacher Consultation Evening that you would like to attend by Monday 30 September. An individual appointment for either Wednesday 9 or Thursday 10 October will then be returned to you.

School closes on Friday 11 October for a week and resumes on Tuesday 22 October at the usual time for Primary 1 to 7. Nursery Classes resume on Tuesday 22 October.   Monday 21 October is an In-service Day for staff.

Drop in if you can to our Coffee Mornings at 9.00am.  These are held on the last Monday of each month for parents/carers of children with additional needs with the next one being on Monday 30 September.

Additional coffee mornings are held on the first Monday of each month for all parents and carers of children in the school and nursery with the next one on Monday 7 October.

And Finally
Lost property will be on display the last Friday of every month from 12.00 pm in Room 4.


Have a good weekend!