Friday 20 September 2013

Monday 23 September

Wider Achievement Day
Next week is our 'I’m the Only I’ week. As well as participating in electing new pupil council representatives and our World Family Day, we will be celebrating our uniqueness as a way of increasing our individual self worth. 

Please come and join us in the school hall for ‘Flora’s World Family Day’ on Friday from 12.00 to 2.00pm which is also part of the Stockfest Event. Please see previous Flyer for more detailed information. We are still looking for volunteers to bring examples of different cultures foods to the event on Friday. Children may wish to come to school dressed in National dress on Friday.

Tuesday 24th September will be our Wider Achievement Day. Children can come to school dressed in an outfit which represents a hobby or interest they have outwith school e.g a brownies outfit, a sports outfit, an apron etc. Our school policy does not allow children to wear football strips to school, however on this occasion children may wear sports strips representing a country team but not a local/UK team.  Our talents, skills, interests and cultures are diverse at Flora’s and we would look forward to a week where we can share them with our ‘Flora’s Family’.

School Garden
Would you like to help tidy our school garden? We have two parents who are keen to help and are looking for volunteers to join them. If you are interested please come along to school on Wednesday 25 September at 11.00am to discuss. If you are interested and unable to come along on Wednesday, please let the school office know and we will contact you with details. Thank you.

Pupil Council Elections
We will be voting for our new Pupil Councillors next week. Candidates have their speeches ready! Watch this space for more news next week!

Music School
Pupils from the Music School will perform at a Twilight Concert on Wednesday at 4pm at Broughton High School.

Coffee Mornings

There will be a Coffee Morning on Monday 30 at 9.00am for parents and carers of children who have an additional support need and a general coffee morning the following Monday 7 October for all parents/carers. We look forward to seeing you then.

General Reminders
Please continue to regularly check your child's hair for head lice.
Please continue to label your child's clothes and check that the correct items are being brought home.  On occasion items do get muddled up and go home with the wrong pupil.

Edinburgh Schools Swimming Gala
We are intending to enter a team for this event.  The team will consist of individual swimmers and a relay team, depending on numbers.  If your child is interested in attending swimming trials to represent Floras at the gala, please send a note of their name, class and age to Mr Baxter by the 25th of September.