Tuesday 17 September 2013

13 September 2013

I hope that you are looking forward to the long weekend. The School and Nursery are both closed on Monday 16 September. We look forward to seeing Parents and Carers of P2 to P7 on Tuesday Evening for our Meet the Teacher Event.
Thank you to Parents and Carers of Primary One for attending our Information Evening last Tuesday and we hope you found the evening helpful. We enjoyed the opportunity to meet you.

Music School News and Information
The next Music School Twilight concert will be on the 25th September at Broughton High at 4pm. All welcome. Lucy Ruuskanen from P6a will be performing on her violin.
We will be supporting International Day again this year as part of Stockfest and music school pupils will be performing 12-12.30ish on Friday 27th September. Performances will include fiddle group, string trio, solos and samba band.

Congratulations to Shakira Segalla-Humbert in P6a  - she took part in the National Childrens’ Orchestra of GB summer course and really enjoyed herself.
The annual  Music School Open Day is coming up on Saturday 2nd November and we have two primary outreach concerts happening on Wednesdays 30th October and 6th November at Wardie and Craigentinny Primary Schools.
Playground Safety
The playground is incredibly busy and we want to ensure everyone is safe. Whilst we would encourage parents not to bring hot drinks into the playground, if you do, can you please ensure it is sealed with a suitable lid and that you take extra care when entering and exiting the playground.
Playground Congestion
There have been a number of congestion issues at the north corner of the building which has affected the P1/2, 2A and 2B lines. In order to ensure the P2s can enter the school safely and follow their lines, the P1/2, 2A and 2B lines will be moving to the front of the school. They will still enter through the same door. A letter with the new layout has gone out today and staff will be in the playground on Tuesday morning with signs showing classes where to line up. We appreciate that space in the playground is limited and we would kindly ask you to stand against the walls and gates and not beside your child in their line.