Friday 6 September 2013

The 23m Tree Climb

We have come to the end of another busy and exciting week!

Many congratulations to Mrs Dow on her successful appointment as permanent Head Teacher at Granton Primary School. Mrs Dow will be missed. She was an asset to Flora’s and we would like to extend our very best wishes and thanks to her for all her hard work and commitment since she joined Flora’s in January 2010.

P7 visit Dalguise Outdoor Centre
Primary 7 had a fantastic time at Dalguise and arrived back at lunchtime today, tired but happy. It seems that the giant swing was the most popular activity. Many thanks to Mr Rae, Ms Mackenzie, Mr Henderson, Ms Johnstone and Ms Porter for looking after them so well.

Parent Council Annual General Meeting
We are looking forward to meeting you on Monday Evening for the Parent Council Annual General Meeting. The AGM starts at 7pm. We warmly invite you to join us for wine and nibbles.

Primary One Information Evening
P1 Parents and Carers are warmly invited to join staff in school on Tuesday Evening at 6.30pm to find out about life in a P1 classroom. We look forward to seeing you then.

Meet the Teacher Evening for Parents/Carers of P2 to P7 pupils
We look forward to meeting parents/carers of P2 to P7 children on Tuesday 17 September at 6pm. This is an opportunity to meet the teacher and find out about the year ahead.

No dogs in the playground please.
Can I please remind parents/carers and visitors that dogs must not be brought into the playground. We have children who are allergic to dogs and it is a very busy playground where dogs could get over excited. This will help keep all children safe. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Work Experience
We are delighted to welcome three students from Broughton High School for a period of work experience. The students are interested in a career in teaching and will assist in classes and the playground.

The school office is open from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30 am to 12.30 pm each Friday.     Please note the office is closed from 9.30 am to 10.15 am each day for registration purposes.       
As the office is still receiving a high volume of payments and returns being handed in, we would like to remind parents that ALL MONEY AND RETURN SLIPS for the school should be put in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.  Your child must then pass this to your class teacher and NOT THE SCHOOL OFFICE.  Payment should be made in the form of the exact cash or cheque.  This will then be collected each day from the classroom.
Should you wish to purchase a book bag, school bag or tie from the school we would encourage you to send this request via your child to the class teacher in a sealed envelope and the office will ensure this is delivered to your child’s class to take home with them.
Should your child have an appointment throughout the school day, a note must be passed via your child to the class teacher who will inform the office. 
As I am sure you can appreciate as we have an extremely busy school office, it would be much appreciated if you could ensure your child comes to school fully equipped for the day including packed lunches, gym kit, etc.   Can I also ask that your child is picked up on time each day and that they know who is collecting.  As many of the after school clubs have now commenced, please can you make sure your child knows what clubs they are attending and who is picking them up.
Can we remind all parents to complete and return the EE2 to their child’s class teacher as soon as possible to enable them to attend any forthcoming excursions.
Please note that all parents MUST report to the school office when entering the school.

Dates for your Diary
Can I remind you that Monday 16 September is a holiday and school will be closed on that day.

Friday 27 September is Flora’s World Family Day where we look forward to visiting countries from around the World that have an association with our school.